Devotional 1: Gen 1-2

Genesis 1-2

There are many remarkable features of the today’s reading that we could comment on; from the other of creation to the image of God. But today I want you to ponder Genesis 2:2-3 which says that God rested and, furthermore, made that day he rested, holy.

In our society we have so many things that we need to do and so many things we that we must do that a time of rest can be difficult to come by. Yet, at the very beginning of His word, God rested. By this act He left us an example that we should rest. The Sabbath is no longer binding on us today but God’s example is – we should have a day of rest. Rest does not mean a day in which we only sit around and watch T.V. Rather rest means a day in which we do not do those things we want to; we need to. Instead of making money or preparing for the future or doing what we want, we should be doing what God wants – spending time with the family trusting that God will see to all our needs.

Since we are in the new covenant, this would include our spiritual family. Instead of spending time working on the house or planting our garden or working overtime; we should be spending time strengthening our bonds with are physical family as well as our spiritual family. The Sabbath is not supposed to be something that is a burden but it is something that is to be liberating. If we commit ourselves to not doing what we traditionally do on the weekend, then we can focus our energies on God and doing those things that will bring Him glory. The Sabbath time should be when we are like Mary and not Martha (LK 10:38-42).

As you start this week, consider planning to do less for yourself when the week ends and more for your family – both physical and spiritual. Remember that the “more” will works like the Fruit of the Spirit.