Weekly Net Schedule
A local (LG/MS) weekly practice net is held three evenings a week to provide a choice for members. Some members practice on more than one evening.
The repeaters we use are W6PIY 2m (147.390MHz, + offset, 151.4Hz) optionally followed by W6PIY 70cm (441.350, + offset, 88.5Hz) on:
Daily time:
- Sundays @ 8:30p
- Mondays @ 8:00p
- Tuesdays @ 7:30p
The Net Control person is the first person to volunteer from the members who show up, though traditionally a resident of the Terraces is Net Control on Monday’s.
County-wide (Santa Clara County) weekly practice participation reports from each city:
SPECS, Mondays at 8:00p - the Northern-most cities
SVECS, Tuesdays at 8:00p - all other cities, including Holister (San Benito County)
If you are interested in being Net Control any particular evening for either the local or county-wide nets, send a note to: K6PLH@yahoo.com.