(Sports and activities)

Bon Anniversaire:  le Match

Difficulté:  Not enough ratings yet

Critique moyenne:  Not enough ratings yet


This book is about a boy who is getting bullied on his birthday and noone is saying happy birthday to him except his girlfriend.  She also gets him a soccer ball which is stolen.  (Collin S., 2023)

Ce n'est pas comme ça qu'on joue au hockey!

Difficulté:  Not enough ratings yet

Critique moyenne:  Not enough ratings yet


It's about how a little boy grows up and becomes a really good hockey goalie and how he changed the helmet rule.  (Paddy M., 2023)

Felipe Alau:  l'histoire d'un grand champion

Difficulté:  Not enough ratings yet

Critique moyenne:  Not enough ratings yet


It was a good book.  It's about a black baseball player in the Civil Rights movement.  (Finn C., 2019)

Kobe:  Naissance d'une légende

Difficulté:  parfait

Critique moyenne:  ✩✩✩✩

(5 personnes)


The book provided a lot of facts about Kobe's young life and adulthood.  I recommend it as a quick read.  (Hugo B., 2022)


Le livre est très bon.  It is about Kobe Bryant growing up and going to the NBA.  (Griffin H., 2023)

More than football

Not enough ratings yet.