(Art, holidays, music, etc.)

Mon encyclopédie junior du Québec

Not enough ratings yet.


It's a good informational book.  (Anna K., 2023)

J'aime la galette

Difficulté:  Parfait

Critique moyenne:  Not enough ratings yet


This book is a pretty repetitive book with questions and answers.  It's about different shaped pies and gives a whole range of random words.  

(Anna F., 2022)


C'est bien parce que c'est très intéressant et un peu facile.  (Taylor L., 2022)

La musique

Difficulté:  Not enough ratings yet

Critique moyenne:  Not enough ratings yet


It's a really good book that helps you understand more about different people's music.  (Addy M., 2022)


It is a little difficult, but it covers themes of music from around the world.  (Henry M., 2023)

Le Super Nouvel An Coréen avec Mamie

Difficulté:  Not enough ratings yet

Critique moyenne:  Not enough ratings yet


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