Amitié et relations 

(friendship & relationships)

Les Amies

Difficulté:  un peu difficile

Critique moyenne:   ✩✩✩

(4 personnes)


This book was a nice step out of my comfort zone, but it still had words I knew.  The story was well-plotted and easy to understand, and I liked how it ended.  (Neve C., 2023)


It's about two friends who go into middle school and their relationship changes.  It has passé composé, imparfait, and futur in it which is harder but fun to read.  It is more of a simple book.  (Anica H., 2023)

Les amis de Martine et les douze mois de l'année

Difficulté:  No ratings yet

Critique moyenne:   Not enough ratings yet


It's about a girl named Martine and what she does with her friends, human & animal, in the different months.    Great storyline.  (Kylee A., 2019)

L' Animal Idéal

Difficulté:   parfait

Critique moyenne:   ✩✩✩

(4 personnes)


A family is trying to find the perfect animal.  J'aime ce livre.  Il est facile à comprendre!  (Logan F., 2019)


I thought it was good because the illustrations helped me fully understand what was going on in the story.  (Lily H,, 2021)

Bart veut un chat

Difficulté:  assez facile

Critique moyenne:  ✩✩✩✩

(4 personnes)


I like it because it's a choose your own adventure book.  (Cassie M., 2021)


C'est bien!  Très intéressant et comique.  I recommend this book; it's also good because it's a choose your own adventure book.  (Sophia B., 2022)

Brandon Brown dit la vérité

Difficulté:  parfait

Critique moyenne:   ✩✩✩✩

(12 personnes)


This is a book about a young boy who makes a mistake.  Instead of fessing up, he lies.  The story teaches readers of the danger of lies.  I liked this book because it had a very good moral, but the plot line is also interesting.  (Kate B., 2019)


"It teaches honesty with a witty plot."  - Kat C.

Brandon Brown:  le Nouvel Houdini

Difficulté:  not enough ratings yet

Critique moyenne:   Not enough ratings yet


It's about how Brandon Brown drives his father's antique car while they are on vacation to try to impress a girl.  I would recommend it because it is pretty easy (while still being a challenge) and it's meant for students.  (Audrey C., 2023)


It's literally the best book I've ever read.  It's at the perfect level.  There are a few words I didn't know, but just a quick look at the glossary and I was good.   Another great title for this is, "Brandon Brown gets some rizz."  (Olivia B., 2023)

Brandon Brown veut un chien

Difficulté:  parfait

Critique moyenne:   ✩✩✩✩

(10 personnes)


A boy named Brandon wants a dog, but his mom doesn't want to get one.  I liked it because it was not too challenging to read, nor was it too easy.  Also, it's just a fun story.  (Jackson B., 2019)


I like this book because it's very funny, but the author makes the plot clever enough to keep you interested.  (Cole T. 2021)

Le Capybara botté

Difficulté:  parfait

Critique moyenne:  ✩✩✩✩

(3 personnes)


J'adore cette histoire parce que j'ai de la sympathie envers le capybara.  I understand what he's going through.  (Taylor L., 2022)


It's about Rémy, a capybara.  Rémy is different from other capybaras because he can't swim well.  There is a puma who tries to hunt him down, and some of his friends & dad are disappointed that he is wearing boots.  C'est bon, mais très répétitif.  Il a un bon message, mais c'est barbant, et ce n'est pas mon style.  (India S., 2023)

La Classe des confessions

Difficulté:  parfait

Critique moyenne:  ✩✩✩

(5 personnes)


It's about a boy in high school and his attempts for a happy love life.  I liked the parts when he had to talk to Justine.  (Will P., 2019)

Note:  this book has a sequel - "Le beau mensonge."


The book is about the struggles of a boy student who has a crush on a girl in his French class.  The storyline is good, but the reading is a little bit difficult.  (Rowan B., 2022)

Jean-Paul et ses bons amis

Difficulté:  not enough ratings yet

Critique moyenne:   not enough ratings yet


I would recommend because there are some simple sentences that are easy to understand.  (Annabel R., 2022)


I would recommend this book because it is not too difficult, although I did find myself going to the glossary a few times.  It is about Jean-Paul and his friends.  They want to get together and play football, but Jean-Paul has not cleaned his room.  (Abigail K. 2022)

La Leçon de chocolat

Difficulté:  un peu difficile

Critique moyenne:   ✩✩✩

(6 personnes)


La leçon de chocolat is about a boy named Claude who hates school.  His hate only gets worse when he is paired with Luc, the classroom bully, for a project.  He's assigned to research about chocolate and starts thinking about the similarities between people and chocolate.  (Manas B., 2023)


Cool info, a nice lesson, engaging, inclusive, and it's about chocolate, so it's good!  (Zoe, 2023)

Léo et Anton

Difficulté:  parfait

Critique moyenne:   ✩✩✩

(4 personnes)


I would recommend it because it is a good way to remember past vocabulary.  It is about Anton who wants to explore the forest.  (Collin S, 2022)


I recommend this book to everyone who is looking for a quick read.  It's a cute story.  Anton is a brave mouse and Léo is a scared cat.  They become good friends.  (Maddie M., 2022)

La Nouvelle Fille

Difficulté:  not enough ratings yet

Critique moyenne:   not enough ratings yet


The book was about a budding romance between two different kids, and the challenges they face.  I would recommend; fun & silly.   (Vivian H., 2022)