(Stories and legends)

21 mini-contes

Difficulté:  not enough ratings yet

Critique moyenne:  not enough ratings yet


This book consists of 21 short stories.  For example, there is a story about an odd, scary, and mysterious occurence when the protagonist, Sarah, is on her phone.  J'aime le livre parce qu'il est facile à comprendre, et il y a une section de vocabulaire.  Le livre est captivant aussi.  (Sara T., 2021)

Beginner's French Reader

Difficulté:  not enough ratings yet

Critique moyenne:   not enough ratings yet


The book is a collection of stories about two siblings.  It's good, but a lot of it is just questions (I skipped them).  (Skye G., 2023)

Easy French Reader

Difficulté:  not enough ratings yet

Critique moyenne:  not enough ratings yet


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Le Pendentif

Difficulté:  not enough ratings yet

Critique moyenne:  not enough ratings yet


Le Pendentif has really good stories, but it is a little hard to understand because I had to look at the glossary a lot.  (Anna F., 2023)


This book had a good mix of vocabulary - some of which I knew and some that I didn't.  It was helpful that the vocabulary translations were at the bottom of each paragraph, so you wouldn't need to break your focus to flip to the end vocab. pages like in other books.   (Sophia T, 2022)

Short Stories in French

Difficulté:  parfait

Critique moyenne:   ✩✩✩✩

(2 personnes)


Il y a beaucoup d'histoires courtes.  C'est bon pour étudier de nouveaux mots et phrases.  (André B., 2023)


I would recommend it because it's just the right level and the story is good.  (Allie S., 2023)