(Adventure, suspense, and travel)


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Les Aventures d'Isabelle

This book does not yet have any reviews.  Yours could be the first!

Brandon Brown à la conquête de Québec

Difficulté:  not enough ratings yet

Critique moyenne:   not enough ratings yet


Brandon goes on a trip to Québec and is not happy about it.  He meets a scary man and a new friend but also loses his family.  I would recommend.  (Parker F., 2022)

Le Chant magique

No ratings or reviews yet.

Daniel le détective

Difficulté:  not enough ratings yet

Critique moyenne:   not enough ratings yet


It is about Daniel who wants to become a detective and an opportunity presents itself when a carnival ticket goes missing.  (Ewan T., 2023)

Émeraude:  le bébé tortue marine

Difficulté:  Parfait

Critique moyenne:  ✩✩✩✩

(7 personnes)


I would recommend it because it is an interesting story and easy to understand.  There are some unfamiliar wordds but you can understand what they mean because of the text and the glossary.  (Lindy G., 2023)


I like it!  It talks about saving a baby turtle and the different things the turtle encounters along the way.  (Arita W., 2023)

L'Étudiante étrangère

Difficulté:  Not enough ratings yet

Critique moyenne:  Not enough ratings yet


L'étudiante étrangère is about a girl named Dominique who has an exchange student named Bianca.  I recommend it to anyone who wants a fast book to read.  (Manas B., 2022)

L'île au trésor

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Marie Antoinette et le collier de la mort

Difficulté:  Not enough ratings yet

Critique moyenne:  Not enough ratings yet


C'est un livre de l'histoire du collier de la mort.  C'est bon, mais aussi un peu difficile.  (Pauline P-S, 2023)


This book is about Marie Antoinette, who was the queen of France.  It dives into Marie's lifestyle and the famous necklace scandal that she has to overcome.  This book is fairly easy to understand and has familiar French vocabulary that I know.  (Kate W., 2023)

Ma vie parisienne

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Ma voiture à moi

Difficulté:  Un peu difficile

Critique moyenne:  ✩✩✩

(3 personnes)


Ben veut une voiture comme cadeau de son 17e anniversaire.  Il voyage à Haïti et aide les gens.  Le livre est gentil et unique.   (Fiona H., 2019)

Nuits mystérieuses à Lyon

Difficulté:  Not enough ratings yet

Critique moyenne:  Not enough ratings yet


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Une Obsession dangereuse

Not enough ratings yet.


It is about a girl who loves alligators.  I recommend it because it has plot twists that you wouldn't expect. I found it a little boring in the beginning.  (Linnea K., 2022)


Un bon livre qui est amusant et simple.  Une fille veut voir un alligator.  (Polly PS, 2022)

Pauvre Anne

Difficulté:  Parfait

Critique moyenne:   ✩✩✩

(7 personnes)

It is about a girl named Anne who has a lot of problems.  She goes to Belgium and stays with a host family.  She starts to like Belgium better than New York, but then she realizes how much she actually has.  I would recommend this book to beginning French readers like me because it is quite easy to understand.  (Ava B., 2022)


Pauvre Anne is about a girl named Anne living in New York.  She thinks her life is horrible until she goes on a trip to Belgium and it changes her perspective.  (Jon K., 2022)

Pirates français des Caraïbes

Difficulté:  Parfait

Critique moyenne:   ✩✩✩

(5 personnes)

C'est l'histoire de François le pirate et Antoine le voyageur et la fiancée d'Antoine, Rachelle.  J'adore ce livre.  Il est intéressant et il y a beaucoup de surprises.  (Adey W., 2021)

Presque mort

Difficulté:  Parfait

Critique moyenne:   ✩✩✩

(3 personnes)


C'est un bon livre.  Il s'agit d'une fille qui s'appelle Anne.  Elle tombe amoureuse d'un garçon qui s'appelle Paul.  (Dennis P., 2019)


This book is about a girl from America who goes to school in France and meets a nice boy and a mean boy.  I would recommend it and it's not super long!  (Annabel R., 2022)

Le secret d'Opus Kulle

No reviews or ratings yet.

Simon au clair de lune

Difficulté:  Not enough ratings yet

Critique moyenne:   Not enough ratings yet


The book is very short; I read it in under ten minutes.  It tells the story of a boy named Simon who is confused as to why the moon is becoming smaller.  The story is cute but a lot of the vocab, is challenging.  (Skye G, 2023)

La Statue

Difficulté:  Parfait

Critique moyenne:   ✩✩✩

(3 personnes)


I think this book is good because it is full of action.  (Cale H., 2021)

Le Voyage de sa vie

Difficulté:  Not enough ratings yet

Critique moyenne:   Not enough ratings yet


Un garçon a voyagé en France et en Suisse.  J'aime un peu le livre.  Le début est ennuyeux mais la fin est amusante.  (Ryan M., 2019)

Y'a pas de place chez nous

No ratings or reviews yet.  A very moving story signed by the author!