Online Books and some other links

Here are some useful links to material stored online. I will also include on this page some tips on finding relevant websites. This page will be added to...

Links to old out of copyright books which you can read online.

Finding Relevant books to buy

Royal Photographic Society Journals

Links to online Directories

Historical Directories

Old Maps

National Library of Scotland (Maps cover England and Wales as well)

Some useful tips...

Google Images

You will often find relevant websites when searching Google by starting at the images search tool. If you are already at the Google Home page click on the images tab. Now enter text relevant to your search, but pick out unusual words and combinations of words or phrases. By hovering your mouse pointer over the images it will show you the website address and you can decide on whether to click on it or not. Another combination of words will bring up another set of images and so on. You can filter your search by date only returning new images posted in the last week for example do this by selecting images then search tools, past week. Try these searches using Google images and see the differences in what Google returns. Sarony Scarborough then Sarony self portrait then "Sarony's studio" then Sarony Oliver. One of the weaknesses of this type of search is that it will return some material that at first glance appears irrelevant, because what Google can do is return all the images on the page of a website which contains the keywords you have searched for. So it will take you to a relevant web page that has the keywords but the image itself may not be relevant to the keywords.