Bradford Theatre Royal

Albert Sach's studio in Manningham Lane is described on the back of his photographs as being between the Grammer School and Theatre Royal Bradford.

The postcard of the Theatre Royal and Manningham Lane shows the entrance to the theatre where life size posters of the actors are displayed. The posters look remarkably like the photographs on the postcards produced by Albert Sachs, examples as follows. It is possible that the Albert Sachs studio were commissioned to take some of these photographs.

In 1906 the Manchster Courier reported the following..

" Yesterday, in the Chancery Division, an injunction was applied for Doff Bros of Manchester against Albert Sachs of Bradford, to prevent the publication and circulation of photographs of certain ladies named Daisy Jerome, Mabel Lait, and Godwynne Earle who were acting in a pantomime in Bradford, on picture post-cards. Defendants gave an undertaking not to publish these photographs on post-cards pending the trial of the action."

The Doff Brothers business was creating postcards and when the actresses were appearing in a pantomime in Bradford Doff had arranged for them to visit the Albert Sachs studio to have thier pictures taken. Besides taking the pictures for Doff, Sachs decided to take some pictures for himself. The case was taken to court in order to prevent Sachs from publishinng the photographs as Doff considered his actions to be a breach of contract. The judge however did not agree and Sachs won the case.

Further work is required before the relationship between the Theatre Royal and Albert Sachs's studio can be fully understood but clearly his studio was practically next door and there was ample opportunity for him to pick up business from the theatre and the famous people working there.