The LaPEC ("Laboratório de Pesquisa em Ensino de Ciências" or, in English, "Science Teaching Research Laboratory") comes from our need to systematize the research that we have done in the area of science education within the scope of CEFET / RJ.

The LaPEC team includes researchers in science education, high school students, technicians, technicians integrated to high school, undergraduate and postgraduate. Among the students, who may or may not be scholars, there are subject monitors and undergraduate trainees (Physics and Biology); students of the Young Talent Program, High School Scientific Initiation (PIBIC-EM) and Scientific Initiation (PIBIC); extensionists; Graduate students (lato sensu and stricto sensu).

LaPEC's objective is to develop research in the areas of science education and teaching, linking them to teaching and extension activities, in order to contribute to the improvement of science teaching, especially in public schools.

LaPEC's physical space at CEFET / RJ Campus Nova Iguaçu