Sample Course Proposal

You can download a sample syllabus for a course proposal here. Some sample assignments and a more complete sample reading schedule will be coming soon. Feel free contact me for more information. I hope to have a comments section in the near future, and another proposal.

The course is titled:

Introduction to Applications of Complex Networks and Systems

Course Overview:

Complex Networks and Systems is a growing field in the crossover between several disciplines. At the core is work by computer scientists and mathematicians on networks, but the applications range from physics to business and places in-between. Networks provide a natural way of view larger portions of the world, formalizing interactions between components. Imagine describing the national highway system, the World Wide Web or social interactions of a pride of lions all using the same techniques. In this course we will begin by covering the basics of network construction and analysis, examining classical random graphs and several standard measures such as clustering and degree distributions. More complex network models such as small and large worlds and co-concurrence will build on these basic models. Interactions on the networks such as percolation and several critical point transitions, in things like synchronization and component size, provide a transition to application studies utilizing networks. In addition to the small textbook, the course will use several articles from the cannon of literature on complex networks as well as recently published research articles.

Creative Commons License

This work by Karl R. B. Schmitt is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.