About me

Post date: Dec 6, 2011 6:47:53 PM

I'm currently a graduate student at University of Maryland, College Park, focused on writing my dissertation for a Ph.D. in Scientific Computing. My expected graduation date is May 2013.

My research interests focus on applying computing, and specifically network based algorithms to solve problems. Recently I've been working on the question of improving genome assembly, but have worked in the past on synchronization of networks and non-linear dynamics.

While not quite a "research" interest, I'm also very interested in the "Science-Faith" dialogue and have participated in a number of classes, studies and forums on the subject.

On a more personal note, at UMD I've been involved in a variety of academic and recreational activities. I served for two years as the treasurer for my program's governing student council, organized intramural soccer teams for the past four, playing guitar and hand drum, and have been heavily involved in various Campus Ministries by leading a graduate bible-study for 4 years and regularly attending their meetings and service projects. I truly value having a well-rounded life involving close friends, physical activities, work, and faith.

Some of my hobbies include playing recreational soccer, ultimate frisbee, and white-water kayaking, role-playing games, and traveling.