
Assistant Professor - Business Information & Decision Systems Track, Olayan School of Business (AACSB accredited - see article), American University of Beirut, Lebanon, September 2005 - present

Courses Taught: Management Information Systems (core BBA), Knowledge Management (BBA & EMBA), Business Database Systems (BBA), Data & Information Management (MBA), Enterprise Systems Integration (MBA), Project Management (MBA), Process Improvement (Nursing MA), Search Marketing Technologies (BBA)

Course coordinator for core BBA course: INFO 200 Management Information Systems

Courses under Development: Customer Service Technologies, Social Networks as Knowledge Management, Mobile Business, Business Process Intelligence

Curriculum Work: Elective strategy for BIDS track to attract other business students; MIS (core) modernization proposal; contributor to documentation of learning outcomes for MIS (core) and computing fundamentals courses

Top AUB user of Learning Management Systems (LMS): Moodle

Supervision: Graduate - MS Nursing student projects (2) on RFID-equipped PDA for nurse charting; MS Public Health student on physician resistance to CPOE; Undergraduate - Independent study (2); demonstration of RFID-enabled PDA to database via wireless; requirements and user interface storyboard for handheld nurse charting application (for internship); collaborator on Engineering Final Year Projects: VOIP communicator, wireless tracking

Principal investigator: "Selection of Business Major Using Kolbe-A Instrument" for Vice President of Human Resources and Kolbe Research, 2007; "Overcoming E-Prescribing Adoption Challenges: Governments Shaping Innovation On Behalf Of Healthcare Stakeholders" for IBM Center for Government (in progress)

Post-doctoral Research Associate - Image Processing and Informatics Laboratory, Dept. of Radiology, University of Southern California, 2004-2005

Process Analysis: Leader of PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) queue monitor project for predicting performance of PACS under heavy load. Socio-technical analysis of data storage grid.

Application Development: Leader of research team designing a DICOM-compliant federated data storage grid for clinical images allowing for fault-tolerance, failover and recovery. Information technology specialist for project integrating clinical workflow RFID location technology with biometrics for patient verification.

Research Consultant - University of Southern California project with Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California to extract tacit knowledge from virtual team deliberations, 2000

Teaching Assistant - MBA course "Information System Design and Analysis", Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, 1998. Responsibilities included technology support (MS Access and ARIS)

Foreign Expert Teacher (visiting lecturer) in Mineral Economics, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, People's Republic of China, 1989-1990.