Learning Innovation & Technology

I am looking at the big picture of learning innovation. Check out my Learni.st boards on

MOOCs and More: An overview of the various MOOCs available on the higher education landscape.

Disruptive MOOCs: The developing world may find MOOCs a godsend (for those who want to improve) and a curse (for faculty who aren't adding value in the classroom).

Learning Analytics: Digital learning is a golden opportunity to get data. This is one of the reasons I put up with a bug-ridden Learning Management System called Moodle. Perhaps it is the open-source nature of the platform but I pay a high price to get learning analytics.

I'm also moving hundreds of social media management links to our course pseudonym MentoringSM. We will need a hierarchy of boards that roughly follow chapters of the Social Media Management Handbook and topics for each chapter. We add a lot of topics on analytics and strategy.

Someday I will tell you what I'm doing with case-based exams and the targeted grading techniques that we developed. I also use comparative case exams to analyze companies using social media in a particular industry.