
This is a team project. You will work in a group of 2 or 3 to use Twine to create an interactive fiction story (choose your own adventure). Twine is an open-source tool.

Let's get started

Station 1

  1. Complete Twine 1. Project planner.

    • Read through the rest of the stations.

    • Set goals for each week. (Which tasks to accomplish). Be specific with the description of the tasks.

    • Each box = one class, you may plan to work on the weekend if needed.

    • Fill in your planner for 4 weeks.

Station 2

  1. Follow your planner.

  2. Complete Twine 2. Task log each class.

  • Describe your task

  • Keep track of how much time you spent on the task (0.5/1/1.5 hours, etc.)

  • Evaluate your productivity (I, 1, 2, 3, 4). See picture above for the description.

Station 3

  1. Complete Twine 3. Storytelling.

  2. Do Activity 1. Expressing memories. Record ONE answer.

  3. Fill in task log.

Station 4

  1. Watch Video 2.

  2. Complete Activity 2. Each member should contribute ONE favourite movie/story.

  3. Fill in task log.

Station 5

  1. Watch Video 3

  2. Complete Activity 3.

  • Each member writes a "What If" statement for their story.

  • Team writes 3-5 orginal "What If's".

  1. Fill in task log.

Station 6

  1. Watch Video 4.

  2. Complete Activity 4.

    • Each member contributes to their favourite film/story to identify the characters and worlds.

    • Team will write 3 mixes of characters and worlds

    • Team will write What If for your original story and identify characters and the world. You will use this idea to finish the rest of the project.

  3. Fill in task log.

Station 7

  1. Complete Twine 4. Character development.

  2. Watch Video Character development.

  3. Complete Warm up.

  • Each member describes what a favourite character would act in elevator test. Record ONE answer.

  • Team writes what your original character would act in elevator test

  1. Fill in task log.

Station 8

  1. Watch Video Internal vs. external.

  2. Complete Activity 1.

    • Each member contributes ideas their favourite film/story character

    • Team will determine internal and external features of your original character

  3. Fill in task log.

Station 9

  1. Watch Video Wants vs. needs

  2. Complete Activity 2.

  • Each member describes what a favourite character would act in elevator test. Record ONE answer.

  • Team writes what your original character would act in elevator test

  1. Fill in task log.

Station 10

  1. Watch Video Obstacles

  2. Complete Activity 3.

    • Each member contributes ideas from their favourite film/story character

    • Team will brainstorm some obstacles for your original character

  3. Fill in task log.

Station 11

  1. Complete Twine 5. Story spine.

  2. Watch Video Story Spine

  3. Complete Activity 1.

  • Each member describes story spine for their favourite story. Record ONE answer.

  • Team develops 2 or 3 story spines for Twine story

  1. Fill in task log.

Station 12

  1. Watch Video Twine Basics OR follow this cookbook guide.

  2. Go to Twine website

    • use online version in chrome.

    • start coding your twine story. Quick guide is in folder.

    • click archive to save your file to Onedrive.

    • import the file to open archived file.

    • When your story is complete, publish your file

    • upload published file to Teams.

  3. Fill in task log.

Station 13

  1. Complete Twine 6. Peer Evaluation.

    • As a team, peer evaluate 3 stories.

    • Pick TWO prompts to answer from the choice board.

    • Turn in -> "Hand in" box.

  2. Fill in your task log.

Station 14

  1. Complete Twine 7. Reflection.

  2. Turn in -> "Hand in" box.

Learning goals

  • creating a project timeline

  • monitoring and evaluating productivity

  • supporting reflection with details and examples

  • collaborating effectively (contributing, working towards common goals, supporting each other)

  • using TWINE to write and code an interactive fiction story