
You will independently plan and conduct a self-directed learning project. You will create a video to present what you have learned.

Let's get started

Station 1

  1. Define your project and set goals.

    • Brainstorm ideas: a question you want to answer, a topic you want to learn more about, a helpful task you want to do, or a challenge you want to overcome.

  2. Share your ideas on this padlet.

  3. Select top 3 ideas and define your goals (what you want to accomplish) in SMSG 1. Goals and resources.

Station 2

  1. Research and find books, websites, videos, or experts for your learning. Gather materials.

  2. Complete SMSG 1. Goals and resources. ALL digital files are in Teams Assignments.

Station 3

  1. Complete SMSG 2. Planner. Break down complex tasks and set goals for each week.

    • Goals are what you want to accomplish by the end of the week.

  2. Read through the rest of the stations.

  3. Set goals for each week. (Which tasks to accomplish). Be specific with the description of the tasks.

  4. Each box = one class, you may plan to work on the weekend if needed.

  5. Fill in your planner for 4 weeks.

Station 4

  1. Follow your planner.

  2. Complete SMSG 3. Task log each class.

  • Describe your task

  • Keep track of how much time you spent on the task (0.5/1/1.5 hours, etc.)

  • Evaluate your productivity (I, 1, 2, 3, 4). See picture above for the description.

Station 5

  1. Collect video clips and photos. These will be used for your documentary.

  2. If you need to screen record, OBS is a free and open source software.

    • Watch video: OBS Tutorial. You can hover over over the timeline to skip to different chapters. For example, to start a project skip to chapter 3 at 1:00min.

Station 6

  1. Create your documentary.

    • Shotcut is a free open source video editor

    • Watch video: Shotcut tutorial. You can hover over over the timeline to skip to different chapters. For example, to start a project skip to chapter 4 at 2:35min.

  2. Upload video to Teams.

  3. Your video will be shared in class on presentation day.

Station 7

  1. Complete SMSG 4. Peer Evaluation.

    • Peer evaluate 2 documentaries.

    • Pick TWO prompts to answer from the choice board.

    • Review your feedback with your peer.

    • Consider the feedback and make revisions to your documentary if necessary.

    • Turn in -> "Hand in" box.

  2. Fill in your task log.

Station 8

  1. Complete SMSG 5. Reflection.