Year-end Letters / Reports

Under Year-End Reports can be found the "holiday" letter I send out each year to friends and acquaintances, far and wide.  The letter typically is sent out around Dec. 10 of each year, but I am composing or "building" it throughout the year.  I strive to review what the year has been like for me, activities and thoughts about my life, and usually go on to take a look at the national and world situation as well, and reflect on it.  Originally the letter was printed out and placed inside a home-made (usually) Season's Greetings card.  This took a lot of effort and with the availability of the Internet and e-mail, I shifted over to electronic distribution of the letter.

Although I have been writing these year-end letters since the 1970's, I am posting those that already exist in electronic form, going back to 1997. They are listed in reverse chronological order.

Year-end reports for: