David's Trip Reports

2015 - Northern Europe: On My Own Again (Copenhagen, Lübeck, The Hague, Paris and more)

2014 - Australia: Not so down and not so under

2013 - Florence: Thoughts on Florence

2013 - Myanmar: On the Road from Mandalay

2011 - Southwest France

Walking in Southwest France (with some observations on Toulouse and Bordeaux)

Struggles Speaking French in France (with some observations on the French)

2010 - Berlin

2010 - New Zealand Stray Thoughts: See Ken's New Zealand Observations and Impressions - David's observations can be found at the very end.

2009 - Mid-West (USA) Road Trip: Public Palaces of the Mid-West

2008 - Mid-West (USA) Road Trip: Art Palaces of the Mid-West

ADDENDUM: 2014 - Road Trip: New Museum Architecture

2008 - Africa

2000 - Laos

1998 - India