Ken Collins' Ruminations on Travel, the World, and his Life

This site was created as a place where I could post my annual "year-end reports" and "trip reports" which have been going out to friends far and wide for years. I have posted other documents of possible interest to friends and others in a miscellaneous section as well as recommendations for those living in and visiting northern New Mexico. Suggestions for what else should go on this site are always welcome. You can also find trip reports written by my late husband, David Jenness.

I originally created the site in February 2009, and will be adding documents over time, as well as improving its organization. Stay tuned. Also note that photos can be enlarged if the mouse cursor icon changes when held over it - double-click to enlarge.

Kenneth Alan Collins

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Contact me at:

Ken with David on the beach, Yelapa, Mexico, January 2007

Ken at Hwange Nati'l Park, Zimbabwe, May 2008

Bob and Ken at Ohiopyle State Park, Pennsylvania, September 2021