Setup instructions for VHF/UHF Packet with Signalink Soundcard TNC by KE4QCM

Setup instructions for VHF/UHF FM Packet with Signalink Soundcard TNC

1. Download and install these two programs from UZ7HO-Thanks to Andy for providing these programs.



Soundmodem user guide

Easyterm tutorial

Installing and configuring UZ7HO Soundmodem and Easyterm programs for packet radio

on Soundmodem for 'devices' make sure input/output device is 'USB codec'

AGWPE is 8000

KISS is 8100

under drop down box settings A: make sure the following is marked AFSK AX.25 1200 baud

on EasyTerm for 'Station setup' add your callsign and your mailbox is your callsign-1

on file settings edit your welcome,beacon,info and bye messages

Set your radio for FM, 1200 baud   

on 2 meters or UHF  frequency: click waterfall on 1700 to decode/transmit VHF or UHF Packet

Website with info on Packet Radio:

What is Packet Radio ?

Packet Radio Map Directory

Net105 (20 meters) Packet Radio HF Map Directory

What can you do with Packet Radio ?

VHF Packet Radio with a focus on EMCOMM

Intro to Soundcard Packet

Packet radio frequencies

Packet Radio Wiki

Intro to Packet Radio

Using Soundmodem with Winlink Express

RMS Express via Soundcard

WA7RF’sAirmail/BPQ32/WINMORSetup Instructions

Georgia ARES Digital frequencies

GA ARES Digipeaters Map

Packet Radio with CentOS Linux

Getting started with packet radio

Page last modified: 7/16/2022 15:33 UTC