Setup instructions for HF Packet with Signalink Soundcard TNC by KE4QCM

Setup instructions for HF Packet with Signalink Soundcard TNC

1. Download and install these two programs from UZ7HO-Thanks to Andy for providing these two programs.



Soundmodem user guide

on Soundmodem for 'devices' make sure input/output device is 'USB codec'

AGWPE is 8000

KISS is 8100

under drop down box settings A: make sure the following is marked AFSK AX.25 300 baud

on EasyTerm for 'Station setup' add your callsign and your mailbox is your callsign-1

on file settings edit your welcome,beacon,info and bye messages

on 20 meters frequency: 14105 LSB click waterfall on 2266 to decode/transmit HF Packet    

on 40 meters frequency: 7104 LSB click waterfall on 1700 to decode/transmit HF Packet

Send me a message via hf packet or chat with me on hf packet to let me know if you need any help to set it up or if you set it up successfully

Network 105/Net 40 Map of stations

Info on Net105/Net 40

KB9PVH packet radio website

Website with info on Packet Radio:

Article on UZ7HO Software to use for HF Packet (no hardware TNC required)

ARRL article on packet radio

Packet Radio on HF

General tutorial on HF Packet operation

HF Packet primer for beginners

Packet Radio with CentOS Linux

Getting started with packet radio

Other HF Packet activities:


HF Skipnet roster

Winlink 2000- A Worldwide HF BBS (for emergency communications)

Georgia ARES digital frequencies

Page last modified: 7/16/2002 15:32 UTC