Setup instructions for BPQ32/Linux with Signalink TNC and Hardware TNC by KE4QCM

Setup instructions for BPQ32 Node/BBS/Chat (Linux) using Signalink Soundcard TNC/Direwolf and Hardware TNC (Kiss mode) (this page still in construction)

Setup instructions for BPQ32 Node/BBS/Chat (Linux configuration with ports 4 (300 baud HF) and ports 5 (1200 baud VHF) Signalink Soundcard TNC and.and/or port 6 (300 baud or 1200 baud) Hardware TNC (must be in Kiss mode)

1. Download and install your preferred version of Linux

(I am using Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ I made a live DVD and then installed it to my hard drive) Thanks to Andy, KB1OIQ for providing the live DVD.

2.. Download and install BPQ32 software-thanks for John G8BPQ for providing this program.

BPQ32 Software Docs

BPQ Overview

3. Download and install Direwolf for Linux (soundcard TNC software)

4. Configure Direwolf config file  and edit it (see end of page for sample Direwolf config files)

direwolf300.conf (300 baud config file)

direwolf.conf (1200 baud config file)

edit file as needed but it must be saved as 'direwolf.conf'

5. Setup/configure your BPQ32 config file

see sample BPQ confilg file at bottom of this page and edit it

you can edit your callsign, and the following info

CALLSIGN=your callsign

where it shows XXXXXX  just choose your own password

where it shows ****** just edit your info

NODECALL =your callsign-7

LOCATOR=your maidenhead grid square locator

NODEALIAS=6 characters max (eg: suffix or your call plus 'BPQ')

MAPCOMMENT= edit as you want

IDMSG=your callsign BPQ Node


INFOMSG: CALLSIGN-7 BPQ Node-state what equipment/frequencies you are using.

APPLICATION 1,BBS,,CALLSIGN-4,NODEALIAS,255 (Node alias could be suffix of your call and BBS)

APPLICATION 2,CHAT,,CALLSIGN-5,NODEALIAS,255 (Node alias could be suffix of your call and CHT)

BFG Config file description

BPQ Config file generator program by G8BPQ

in the config file if the text line starts with '  ;  ' it is just comments and not part of the config file

port 4=Signalink Soundcard TNC using Direwolf-300 baud HF packet

port 5=Signalink Soundcard TNC using Direwolf-1200 baud HF packet

port 6=Hardware TNC (must be in Kiss mode)-300 or 1200 baud HF packet

if you are going to run Hardware TNC you must put the Hardware TNC in KISS mode before running BPQ and set up your hardware TNC baud rate (ie: 300/1200)

6. Load Direwolf  (if you want to use Signalink Soundcard TNC) or run your  Hardware TNC in Kiss Mode

Load LINBPQ :     cd LINBPQ then ./linbpq

if you want to run the BBS add 'mail' after  './linbpq;

and if you want to run Chat system add 'chat' after './linbpq'

set your frequency for radio connected to Signalink Soundcard TNC and/or set your frequency to radio connected to Hardware TNC

Set your radio mode to  USB for Signalink Soundcard TNC (300 baud HF Packet) and/or set your radio mode to FM for 1200 baud VHF Packet

7. To check your settings via web browser click: http://localhost:8080/Node/NodeIndex.html

Worldwide Packet Network Map (HF and VHF)

8. To setup BBS/Mail Server, load LINBPQ then load http://localhost:8080/Node/NodeIndex.html

then configure BBS

see sample linmail.cfg file at end of this page and edit it

To check your BBS , on BPQ Terminal, type 'BBS' you should be able to log into your own BBS

9. To configure BPQ Chat

load LINBPQ then load http://localhost:8080/Node/NodeIndex.html

Click Chat configuration

Set APPL #=2, Streams=5

see sample chat config file below at end of page and edit it

To test your Chat System from BPQ Terminal, type 'Chat' you should be able to log into your Chat system

BPQ Chat Network Display

These instructions should get your BPQ32 system working on LINUX-there is a Groups.IO site:   if you need more help

more info on BPQ

and more info on BPQ

Amateur Radio Mail (BBS, Winlink and NTS)


Page last updated 7/16/2022 15:33 UTC