
* indicates equal co-authorship

** indicates student co-author


Zhao, P. K. Ross, P. Li & B.K. Dennis. (2021). Making Sense of Social Research Methodology: A Student and Practitioner Oriented Approach. SAGE.

Ross, K. (2017). Youth Encounter Programs in Israel: Pedagogy, Identity, and Social Change. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.

Peer reviewed articles

Ross, K. (2022). “Aspiring to transformation: Solidarity and prefiguration in educational social movement organizations.” In Factis Pax: Journal of Peace Education and Social Justice 16 (1): 1-25.

Ross, K. (2022). “Reclaiming Impact in Qualitative Research.” Forum: Qualitative Social Research 23(2): Article 5.

Ross, K., P. Li & M. Call-Cummings. (2022, published online ahead of print.) “Solidarity as Methodological Praxis.” Qualitative Research.

Li, P. & K. Ross.* (2021). “Validity of Transformative Experiences: An Unfolding.” Qualitative Inquiry 27(3-4): 385-396.

Ross, K. & D. Muro.** (2020). “Possibilities of Prison-Based Restorative Justice: Transformation Beyond Recidivism.Contemporary Justice Review 23(3): 291-313.

Call-Cummings, M., M. Hauber-Özer**, L. Ronnell & K. Ross. (2020). “The Roles and Responsibilities of Action Research Networks in Times of Crisis.” Canadian Journal of Action Research 20(3): 19-35.

Ross, K. & M. Call-Cummings.* (2020). “Reflections on Failure: Teaching Research Methodology.” International Journal of Research and Method in Education.

Burnett, C.** & K. Ross. (2020). “Scaling Up Nonviolent Action: Do Scholars and Activists Agree?Interface: A Journal for and About Social Movements 12(1): 559-590.

Call-Cummings, M., M. Hauber-Özer** & K. Ross. (2020). "Struggling With/Against the Unintentional Reproduction of Power Structures in Participatory Research: Using Reconstructive Horizon Analysis." Action Research 18(2): 171-193.

Ross, K. (2019). “Navigating ‘Red Lines’ and Transcending the Binary: Tensions in the Pedagogical and Political Goals of Peace Education Work.Peace & Conflict Studies 26(2): Article 2.

Ross, K., C. Burnett**, Y. Raschupkina** & D. Kew. (2019). “Scaling Up Peacebuilding and Social Justice Work: A Conceptual Model.” Peace and Change: A Journal of Peace Research 44(4): 497-526.

Pugh, J. & K. Ross. (2019). “Mapping the Field of International Peace Education Programs and Exploring their Networked Impact on Peacebuilding.” Conflict Resolution Quarterly 37(1): 49-66.

Ross, K. (2019). "Becoming Activists: Jewish-Palestinian Encounters and the Mechanisms of Social Change Engagement." Peace & Change: A Journal of Peace Research 44(1): 33-67.

Ross, K. & M. Call-Cummings.* (2019). “Acknowledging and Transcending “Failure”: Lifeworld Possibilities and System Constraints.” International Journal of Social Research Methodology 22(1), 97-109.

Mundt, M., Ross, K. & C. Burnett. (2018). "Scaling Social Movements through Social Media: The Case of Black Lives Matter." Social Media & Society 4(4).

Ross, K. (2017).Making Empowering Choices: How Methodology Mattersfor Empowering Research Participants.Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 18(3): Article 12.

Ross, K. (2017). “Untangling the Intervention-Context Dyad through Horizontal Comparison: Examples from Israeli Peacebuilding Organizations.” Comparative Education Review 61(2): 327-353.

Ross, K., B.K. Dennis, P. Zhao & P. Li. (2017). “Exploring Graduate Students’ Conceptions of Research: Links Between Identity and Research Conceptions." International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 29(1): 73-86.

Li, P., K. Ross, P. Zhao & B.K. Dennis. (2017). "Critical Action Research: How do Graduate Students in an Introductory Research Class Conceptualize ‘Research’?” In SAGE Research Methods Cases.

Ross, K. (2016).Peace-Building through Inter-Group Encounters: Rethinking the Contributions of ‘Mainstream’ and ‘Politicised’ Approaches.Peacebuilding 4(3): 317-330.

Zhao, P., P. Li, K. Ross & B. Dennis. (2016).Methodological Tool or Methodology? Beyond Instrumentality and Efficiency with Qualitative Data Analysis SoftwareForum: Qualitative Social Research, 17(2): Art 16.

Ross, K. & N. Lazarus. (2015). "Tracing the Long-Term Impacts of a Generation of Israeli-Palestinian Encounters." International Journal of Conflict Engagement and Resolution, 3(2): 116-135.

Ross, K. & N. Razon.* (2015). “Interrogating Boundaries and Acknowledging Fluidity: Shifting Identity Markers in Palestine/Israel.” Journal of Borderlands Studies 30(2): 247-262.

Ross, K. (2015). "Quality as Critique: Promoting Critical Reflection Among Youth in Structured Encounter Programs." Journal of Peace Education 12(2): 117-137.

Ross, K. (2014). Narratives of Belonging (and Not): Intergroup Contact in Israel and the Formation of Ethno-National Identity Claims.” International Journal of Intercultural Relations 42: 38-52.

Ross, K. (2013).Promoting Change Within the Constraints of Conflict: Case Study of Sadaka Reut in Israel.” Current Issues in Comparative Education 15(2): 35-52. (Special issue on Education for Social Change and Transformation: Case Studies of Critical Praxis).

Ross, K. (2012). “Linking Mechanisms to Outcomes: Implicit Norms in a Cross-Cultural Dialogue Program.” Peace & Conflict Studies 19(2): 193-218.

Razon, N. & K. Ross.* (2012). “Negotiating Fluid Identities: Alliance-Building in Qualitative Interviews.” Qualitative Inquiry 18(6): 494-503.

Shafiq, M. N. & K. Ross. (2010). “Educational Attainment and Attitudes Towards War in Four Predominantly Muslim Countries.” Journal of Development Studies 46(8): 1424-1441.

Book/encyclopedia contributions

Dennis, B., Li, P., Ross, K. & Zhao, P. (2021).* “Pedagogy as a Form of Praxis and Commitment: A Student-Centered Approach to Teaching Research Methodology.” In Jenkins, T.J. (Ed.), Reshaping Graduate Education through Innovation and Experiential Learning, 1-22. IGI Global.

Ross, K. (2020).“Interrogating Impact: Whose Knowledge Counts in Assessment of Comparative & International Education Interventions?” In Anderson, E., Baily, S., Call-Cummings, M., Iyengar, R., Manion, C., Shah, P., and Witenstein, M. (Eds.) Interrogating and Innovating Comparative and International Education: Decolonizing Practices for Inclusive, Safe Spaces, 49-63. Brill Publishers. (Invited chapter).

Call-Cummings, M. & Ross, K.* (2019). “Re-Positioning Power and Re-Imagining Reflexivity: Examining Positionality through Reconstructive Horizon Analysis." In K. Strunke & L.A. Locke, (Eds.), Research Methods for Social Justice and Equity in Education. Palgrave Macmillan.

Ross, K. (2015). “Reconceptualizing Impact: New Approaches to Studying Peace Education in Intractable Conflict.” In A. Karako, C. Del Felice, & A. Wisler (Eds.), Peace Education Evaluation: Learning from Experience and Exploring Prospects. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Ross, K. (2012). Perspectives on Writing a Qualitative Dissertation. In J. M. Meloy (Ed.), Twenty-First Century Learning By Doing. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Ross, K. (2012). "Israel, Arab Education in." Pp. 1285-1286 in J. A. Banks (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

Book reviews

Ross, K. (2014). Review of Z. Bekerman & M. Zembylas, Teaching Contested Narratives: Identity, Memory and Reconciliation in Peace Education and Beyond. Comparative Education Review 58(1): 176-178.

Ross, K. (2011). Review of N. Dhillon & T. Yousef, Generation in Waiting: The Unfulfilled Promise of Young People in the Middle East. International Journal of World Peace 28(2): 98-100.

Other publications

Ross, K. (2019). Pilot Evaluation of 'Repairing Harm.' Boston: Center for Peacebuilding, Democracy & Development, UMASS Boston

Ross, K. (2011). Lessons from Online Dialogue: The Shaping Our Future Experience. New York: Network for Peace through Dialogue.

Ross, K. (2004). “Moving Forward: Exploring the Role of Dialogue in Promoting Reconciliation and Democracy-Building in South Africa.” In Creating Spaces for Dialogue. Pretoria: IDASA