Great Attractor, den store tiltrækker

Endvidere lader det til, at hele vores lokale hob af galakser tiltrækkes af en enorm superhob 150 millioner lysår borte. Den har fået navnet The Great Attractor, den store tiltrækker. Vi farer mod denne superhob med en fart på cirka 2.200.000 km/t.

The Norma Cluster (ACO 3627 or Abell 3627) is a rich cluster of galaxies located near the center of the Great Attractor and is about 68 Mpc (222 Mly) distant.[

The Norma Cluster is the closest massive galaxy cluster to the Milky Way, and lies about 220 million light-years away. The enormous mass concentrated here, and the consequent gravitational attraction, mean that this region of space is known to astronomers as the Great Attractor, and it dominates our region of the Universe.