Professional Development

Research into teaching and learning is continually developing and as teachers it can be difficult to keep up with the latest developments in all the curriculum areas that we are responsible for. Finding the funding and the time to attend professional development workshops can sometimes be challenging, but is usually a rewarding experiences. Even if you are observing other teachers in your own school, you are engaging in professional development. Below are some suggestions for professional development within the curriculum area of mathematics. Depending on your school board and federation, you may have other workshops and retreats that are available.

Ontario Association for Mathematics Education (OAME) Conference

OAME Website:

2011 Leadership Conference - March 3-5, Toronto

Topic: "Big Ideas and Mathematics Instruction: Think Big about Planning and Assessment"

2011 Annual Conference- May 12-14, University of Windsor

Theme: "Put Math on the Map- Many Routes, One Destination: Student Success"

Creative Mathematics Workshops

Presenters include Greg Tang, and Kim Sutton

Frequently present in Greater Toronto Area

Additional Qualification Courses

Great way to collaborate with educators from across the province, and wider. Check with the Ontario College of Teachers to find out what service providers offer the courses that you are interested in. If you are interested in taking a course online, speak with other teachers to find out what their experiences have been from different providers to select a course that will be a good fit based on your learning style and needs.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conferences

NCTM Website:

NCTM Regional Conferences

Denver, CO • October 7-8

Baltimore, MD • October 14-15

New Orleans, LA • October 28-29

NCTM Annual Conference

Indianapolis, IN • April 13-16, 2011

Theme: Geometry: Constructing and Transforming Perspectives