
Evaluation is the process of making professional judgments about student achievement based on the collection of assessment data and student work that you have examined. In Ontario, these professional judgments are made based on student achievement on the curriculum expectiations compared to the achievement chart. The categories on the achievement chart are knowledge and understanding, thinking, communication, and application. The achievement charts can be found near the front of the curriculum document and are displayed in the format of a rubric (in the Mathematics 2006 document they can be found on pg. 22-23)

Knowledge and Understanding

- grade, and subject specific concepts (knowledge)

- the comprehension of the meaning, impact, and importance of these ideas (understanding)


- Based on the problem solving model in mathematics

- planning skills - identify the problem, make a plan

- processing skills - follow through with the plan, reflect on the plan

- critical and creative thinking skills - assess the plan


- ability conveying understanding through multiple forms (e.g. oral, written, and visual)


- ability to make connections between concepts

- use learning in new context

If you are having trouble identifying what types of skills fall under which category, a list of valuable questions can be found on pg 37 in A Guide to Effective Instruction in Mathematics, Kindergarten to Grade 6 - Volume 4.

In Ontario, teachers from Grade 1-6 use rubrics with Levels 1-4 (where 4 represents the highest level of achievement). These levels are translated into letter grades (Level 4 = A, Level 3=B) on the provincial report card. Teachers in Grade 7-8 may also utilize rubrics with levels but on the provincial report cards students receive a mark as a percentage grade, so a numerical value is often assigned. As as educator, I believe that it is important to develop students ability to self-assess their learning, so that they are not as focused on "What mark did I get" but rather "What did I do well? How can I improve?".