Fraction Tiles

What are fraction tiles?

Fraction tiles come in different configurations but generally include 1 - whole, 2-halves, 3-thirds, 4-quarters, 5-fifths, 6-sixths, 8-eights, 10-tenths, 12-twelfths for a total of 51 pieces. The three main configurations are circles, squares, and long strips. All work well, and it is good to have a wide variety in your classroom so that students can build the concept that a fraction is a piece of a whole, but the whole can change.

Circular Fraction Tiles

Square Fraction Tiles

Long Strip Fraction Tiles

What math concepts can I teach using fraction tiles?

- Fractions

- Equivalence

- Ratios, Percentages, Proportions

- Number Operations specifically with fractions and decimals

- Relationships between whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percents

- Builds Math Language

Where can I get fraction tiles?

Fraction tiles are available from most educational supply companies and are usually affordable enough that you can have a class set for each junior classroom. It is good to have different shaped sets so if you placing an order for your school you may consider trying to get a few different types.

There are also printable fraction tiles available online (see below) that are great if you don't have the resources to invest in fraction tiles at the current time. Students could colour each fraction according to the sets, and then they could be laminated and stored in an envelope for each student to have their own set.

Concrete Manipulative: Fraction Circles $5.95 per set (Spectrum Educational)

Fraction Strips with Tray $8.95 per set (Spectrum Educational)

FREE Resource - Printable Fraction Tiles with Resource Guide from Learning Resources -

Virtual Manipulatives: National Library of Virtual Manipulatives "Fraction Bars"

National Library of Virtual Manipulatives "Fraction Pieces"

National Library of Virtual Manipulatives "Fractions Equivalent"

National Library of Virtual Manipulatives "Fractions - Visualizing"

* Be sure to click on the "Instructions" if you need assistance utilizing the virtual manipulatives