11. John Angus Lugg 1883

JOHN ANGUS LUGG was born in Ballarat in 1883. John was removed from his parents care as a small child as authorities believed that he was a neglected child as he was always sickly. He was admitted to Fairfield Hospital for treatment but when he failed to respond to care over a period of time, was sent to the Kew Lunatic Asylum for long term care. This was a normal occurence during the late 1800's and early 1900's. If people were ill with permanent ailments such as epilepsy, diabetes etc or their families were unable to afford treatment and medications, they were condemned to Lunatic Asylums until their deaths.

John died at the Kew Asylum in 1894, aged 11. An autopsy revealed scar tissue, congestion and damage to his lungs. This corresponds with cystic fibrosis which has occurred in several lines of the Angus family.

John's case is possibly one of the earliest cases of CF detected within the family. Of course in 1894, this illness probably didn't even have a name.