Alex Billig

Alex Billig

Postdoctoral Fellow

Natural Sciences Centre, Room 245

I am interested in the perception of speech, music, and complex acoustic scenes. My research focuses in particular on how the brain integrates prior experience with new sensory input to make sense of the auditory environment. To address this question I use behavioural techniques, scalp-based and intracranial recordings of electrophysiological activity, and fMRI. I work with listeners with normal hearing, as well as those whose hearing has been partially restored through a cochlear implant.

Following my undergraduate training in mathematics at Oxford I worked for several years in finance, and as a musician. I took a masters in Music, Mind & Brain at Goldsmiths College, London, and then completed my PhD under the supervision of Bob Carlyon at the MRC Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit in Cambridge. I began working as a postdoctoral fellow with Ingrid Johnsrude at the Brain and Mind Institute at Western University, Ontario, in March 2016.

Details of my publications are available at ResearchGate and Google Scholar. My CV is available here.