Psychology Honours Thesis Poster Session

Post date: Mar 23, 2018 6:21:22 PM

Honours thesis students Luka Petrusevski, Vivian Huynh, and Young Choi presented their projects at Honours Thesis Poster Session in the Social Sciences Building on March 23, 2018.

Luka's presented his project titled, 'The Influence of an Irrelevent Sound Dimension on Sound Perception: Does Sound Complexity Matter?'. Vivian's project was 'The Role of Familiar Voice Pitch Cues on Speech Intelligibility in Multi-Talker Backgrounds', and Young's poster was called 'Evaluating the Effects of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy on Temporal Memory'.

Congratulations on your hard work!

Vivian presenting her project at the Poster Session.

Luka presenting his project at the Poster Session.

Young presenting her project at the Poster Session.