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Postdoctoral Opportunities

Please contact Dr. Johnsrude if you're interested in postdoctoral opportunities.

Graduate Opportunities

Cognitive neuroscience is a multidisciplinary area and students with a background in psychology, physiology, neuroscience, engineering, or computer science are encouraged to apply to join the lab.

If you're interested in applying to our lab, please contact Dr. Johnsrude. We have positions available for programs starting in 2016. Interested individuals should apply to the Psychology graduate program (research area: Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience), the Neuroscience graduate program or the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders at Western University.

Undergraduate Honours Projects

Please contact Dr. Johnsrude if you are interested in completing an undergraduate honours project in our lab.

Undergraduate Volunteers

We frequently have enthusiastic undergraduate students volunteer in our lab. Undergraduate volunteers have the opportunity to gain experience with behavioural auditory testing and/or EEG experiments. If you're interested in joining us, please contact Dr. Johnsrude.