Install Meego SDK in Debian Lenny

Thought of trying out Meego SDK in my Debian Lenny. Got the Meego Wiki link for installing and started installing. First problem I faced was the repo giving error. When checked, repository was OK. Then found that I didnt gave the trailing "/" correctly.

The second problem I found is that when I tried to install the package "meego-sdk-ia32" it said "meego-sdk-ia32: Depends: meego-sdk-i586-toolchain but it is not going to be installed "

When i tried installing that, the next error came up "meego-sdk-i586-toolchain: Depends: libmpc2 but it is not installable" . "apt-cache search libmpc2" returned nothing. A little search in the net found that "libmpc2" is not there for Lenny, but its there for Sid, Wheezy and Squeeze.

As a simple work around I addded the Squeeze repository(deb squeeze main) and then tried installing "meego-sdk-ia32". It showed some perl package upgrade and started installing.

# apt-get install meego-sdk-ia32

NOTE: This is not the recommended way of installing a package in any Linux Distribution. This method has a higher chance of breaking the system, since we are using a higher package repository with the older one. But this worked for me without any problem. Hope this helps you.

Due to bandwidth constraints I couldnt run the steps after the SDK install.

I used the following Meego repository : deb /