GPRS in Debian

First I thought it is a difficult task configuring GPRS in Debian. But a little search on the net found it to be too simple. Now with Ubuntu increasing its user friendliness, its too simple [ Simply connect the phone and network manager configuration has a step-by-step guide that will guide you]. Any way I tried it in Debian. For accessing GPRS you have to activate it. For getting it activated in the BSNL prepaid account you have to send an SMS to 53733 with the content GPRSPRE. For getting the settings you have to send an SMS to 58355 with the content <phone model_no>. Mine is Nokia 5130, so I send NOKIA 5130. But it said invalid phone code. So just to try luck i send NOKIA 5310 and it worked fine.

The next step is activating a plan that suits youruse. After everything is done, you could move to debian to setup the GPRS there. First you have to install wvdial.

jestinjoy@jestin:~$ sudo apt-get install wvdial

Next a configuration file have to be generated. We could edit that as per our need.

jestinjoy@jestin:~$ sudo wvdialconf

The configuration file generated by this command is located at /etc/wvdial.conf. This file should be edited as per our need. This is how I edited it.

[Dialer Defaults]

Init1 = ATZ

Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0

Init3 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","bsnlnet","",0,0

Modem Type = USB Modem

Baud = 460800

New PPPD = yes

Modem = /dev/ttyACM0

ISDN = 0

Phone = *99***1#

Password = 9446764386

Username = 9446764386

New PPPD = yes

Stupid Mode = yes

There is no need to give the username and password. But I just gave both my phone number. It was showing error when nothing was given. At the line

Init3 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","bsnlnet","",0,0

bsnlnet is the Access point name. Currently bsnl is using bsnlnet as the Access Point Name (APN). Some time back it was GPRSSOUTH. A call to customer care will help you if its not working for you. Now save the file.

Just execute the command wvdial from command line(better do it as root). Now the GPRS is ready.

jestin:/home/jestinjoy# wvdial