12: St. Petersburg under Catherine the Great

View of the Palace Embankment from Vasilyevsky Island. Painting by Johann Georg De Mayr, 1796


Example 12.1: "The Powers of Heaven," Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, cond. Paul Hillier; includes Giuseppe Sarti's Now the Powers of Heaven (Nine sili nebesniye); Sarti's motet also available on Youtube

Example 12.2: John Field, Nocturne No. 5 in B flat major; Bart van Oort (on an 1823 Broadwood), Youtube

Cecilia Bartoli's new album of arias from eighteenth-century St. Petersburg (released October 2014): Amazon

See also "Audio and Video Recordings to Accompany Anthology" (click on left)

The serf soprano Prascovia, star of Count Nicholas Sheremetev's opera troupe, in the role of Eliane in Grétry's Les Mariages Samnites


A site whose primary function is to encourage travel to St. Petersburg, but offers much useful information about its history and geography as well as extensive photo gallery and collection of videos: http://www.saint-petersburg.com/

Saint Petersburg (Metropolitan Museum of Art)


Anisimov, Evgenii V. Five Empresses: Court Life in Eighteenth-Century Russia (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2004) Worldcat

Brover-Lubovsky, Bella. "The 'Greek Project' of Catherine the Great and Giuseppe Sarti, Journal of Musicological Research 32 (2013), 28–61

A Siberian shaman dances to the sound of a tambourine. Imperial Porcelain Manufactory, St. Petersburg (ca. 1780–1800).

Figes, Orlando. Natasha’s Dance: A Cultural History of Russia (New York: Holt, 2002) Worldcat

Heartz, Daniel. Music in European Capitals: The Galant Style, 1720–1780 (New York: Norton, 2003), 929–64 Worldcat

Keenan, Paul. St. Petersburg and the Russian Court, 1703–1761 (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013)

Massie, Robert K. Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman (New York: Random House, 2011) Worldcat

Munro, George E. The Most Intentional City: St. Petersburg in the Reign of Catherine the Great (Cranbury, NJ: Associated University Presses, 2008) Worldcat

Naroditskaya, Inna. Bewitching Russia Opera: Tsarinas from State to Stage (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012) Worldcat

Piggott, Patrick. The Life and Music of John Field (1782–1837), Creator of the Nocturne (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1973) Worldcat

A Russian horn ensemble performs in the gardens of Peterhof, Peter the Great's palace outside St. Petersburg

Platoff, John. "Musical and Dramatic Structure in the Opera Buffa Finale," Journal of Musicology 7 (1989), 191–230 JSTOR

Ricks, Robert. “Russian Horn Bands,” Musical Quarterly 55 (1969), 364–71 JSTOR

Ritzarev, Marina. Eighteenth-Century Russian Music (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006) Worldcat

Tsarskoe Selo, Catherine the Great's palace outside of St. Petersburg

Roosevelt, Priscilla. Life on the Russian Country Estate: A Social and Cultural History (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1995) Worldcat

Seaman, Gerald R. "Catherine the Great and Musical Enlightenment," New Zealand Slavonic Journal 2003, 129–36 JSTOR

Smith, Douglas. The Pearl: A Tale of Forbidden Love in Catherine the Great’s Russia (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2008) Worldcat

Map of St. Petersburg by Johann Baptist Homann, ca. 1720. Parts of this map, such as the grid pattern on Vasilyevsky Island (on the left), constitute plans for future development, which were only partially realized. Czar Peter laid his city out on a grand scale; this map covers an area about 7.5 miles (12 km) across.

Study Guide

Names, titles, and terms introduced in chapter 12

Czar Peter the Great

Bartolomeo Rastrelli

Empress Catherine the Great

Baldassare Galuppi

Tommaso Traetta

Ifigenia in Tauride


Piangi, o Tebe

Non piangete i casi miei

Giovanni Paisiello

I filosofi immaginari

Il barbiere di Siviglia

Giusto ciel

Già riede primavera


Count Nicholas Sheremetev

Prascovia Ivanovna Kovalyova

Giuseppe Sarti

Nïne silï nebesnïya

Dmitry Bortniansky

Jan Antonin Mareš

John Field
