School of Engineering Service

I perform service as part of Santa Clara University to “foster and advance the goals of departments, school, or the University” . I view all service activities as teaching, as I strive to continuously improve programs, committee work, and other experiences which all impact students and faculty in my programs, and the School of Engineering as a whole.

Links are available to quickly jump to sections of interest, or you can simply scroll down for more information!

Chair of the General Engineering Department

By far, my largest continuous service contribution was as the Director and now Chair of General Engineering.  The Director position was created to represent and manage the General Engineering programs including the Bachelor's degree in Engineering, a minor in General Engineering, and a minor in Technical Innovation, Design Thinking, and the Entrepreneurial Mindset. Now that General Engineering has achieve department status, the Director role has been converted to a Chair position. 

In this chair role, I serve the students through updating and improving the major and minor curricula and programs. In fact, currently we are in the approval process of a new minor, Industrial and Systems Engineering! I manage the 4-yr plans, course load, requirements, etc. for all major and minor students. I also strive to maintain connections with our alumni, connecting with them via LinkedIn and encouraging them to return for panel discussions, robot show judging, etc. 

I additionally serve the ENGR faculty through regular 'department' meetings, mentorship opportunities, managing peer observations of teaching, and creating and maintaining department documentation. As Chair I also serve the School of Engineering, regularly attending Chairs & Deans meetings, and serving at summer orientation and other campus events for incoming students like preview days and open house. 

Click the button for more details on this administrative role and resources related to General Engineering! More information can also be found about the General Engineering program  from the General Engineering website.

Summer Engineering Seminar (SES) and Spring Engineering Education Days (SEEDs)

SES 2019 students launching their Start-Stop-Shoot vehicles as part of the week-long design project.

The School of Engineering  offers special spring and summer experiences for high school sophomores and juniors who are interested in exploring the field of engineering.  The SES  programs is designed to acquaint participants with the engineering profession, the academic expectations of college, and the nature of life at a university.  The SEEDs program provides Bay Area high school sophomores and juniors with a unique opportunity to begin exploring engineering in hopes for fostering future engineering study.

I regularly participate in both of these programs, but primarily am involved with the SES program. For SES I offer the Introduction to Engineering and the Introduction to Engineering lectures, plan, facilitate, and manage the week-long design project, and offer additional workshops and electives including General Engineering, Design Thinking, and Wind Energy. 

SCU Theta Tau Engineering Professional Fraternity

I currently serve as the faculty advisor for Theta Tau, the Engineering Professional Fraternity here at SCU. Theta Tau holds several events for the Colony every quarter and has ensured that the three tenets of professionalism, service, and brotherhood are represented across the various event types. They have worked hard at recruiting by targeting courses with large numbers of first-year students, bringing representatives with refined pitches and designed flyers to hand out. These methods have been effective for raising awareness of Theta Tau and for growing their membership.

"This is more than a fraternity to all of us. It’s a community where we can help each other grow as individuals and express our passions for science and innovation." ~Theta Tau officers

Here are some values they wish to focus on this year (in their own words!) and how we are working to improving on these values:

1)    We strongly believe in giving back to the engineering school that always puts students first. We hope to build a strong relationship with the School of Engineering by continuing to volunteer and help the school with whatever they need. We are dedicated to doing this by volunteering for events and developing new events for Eweek.

2)    We want to inspire interest in developing professional skills early in one’s college career by holding a schoolwide resume workshop for first and second-year students. As we become more established we hope to hold more schoolwide related networking events.

3)    We are a group that strongly believes in community and inclusiveness of all genders. Even though the national organization usually calls its members “brothers” we feel as though this excludes our female members, so we are strict in calling our members “actives” instead.

4)    We understand that engineering is a difficult field, which can create a lot of stress. We aim to build a safe community where our members feel comfortable to talk about difficulties they may be going through and give open arms to hold on to when things get tough

Other service activities to the School and engineering departments include:

Hiring Committees

Member of the hiring committee for the new Dean of Engineering 2024

Member of the hiring committee for a new Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Studies 2024

Member of the Dean's Review Committee 2023

Member of the hiring committee for a new RTL in Ethics within General Engineering 2023

Chair of the hiring committee for 2 new tenure-track faculty in General Engineering relating to Industrial and Systems Engineering 2022

Member of the hiring committee for a new senior administrative assistant for the General Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering departments 2019

Member of the search committee for the chair of the Engineering Management and Leadership department 2019

Chaired search for a Renewable Term Lecturer for Engineering Ethics 2019

Chaired a hiring committee to hire an Academic Year Adjunct Lecturer to teach Engineering Ethics 2018

Member for the engineering Dean's hiring committee, which successfully hired Al Ortega as Dean in 2018

Served on Dean’s review committee for Dean Godfrey Mungal in 2017

Served on hiring committee for Renewable Term Lecturer position in ENGR in 2016

Ethics Prize Panel

Served for past 4 years as member of the Ethics Prize panel who reviews ethics essays for the senior design capstone project reports

Summer Orientation

Served as academic advisor for the incoming undeclared and general engineering students. Requires good working knowledge of all first and second year programs in engineering and beyond!