Professional Biography

Santa Clara University

I joined the engineering faculty at Santa Clara University in 2014. I was lucky enough for my position to change from academic year adjunct to renewable term lecturer beginning in 2015. My faculty role is focused on our first-year students as part of the Introduction to Engineering class and lab, but I also teach community-based design and prototyping courses with engineering students of all academic years and even those outside of the School of Engineering

In 2017 I became the Director of General Engineering. I oversee and assess the major and minor programs, review and hire faculty and staff, manage the budget, and advise both General Engineering and the undeclared engineering students. One new effort as Director is the creation of digital pathways and badging to facilitate students' journeys through college, connecting curricular and co-/extra-curricular experiences.  In 2020, I was promoted to Senior Lecturer and in 2023 our department proposal was approved and I am currently the Chair of the General Engineering department. Most recently, we have developed a proposal for a new minor in Industrial and Systems Engineering, hopefully coming online AY24-25.

College of San Mateo & San Francisco State University

Previously since moving to California, I was working part-time to both stay active with my career and also enjoy time with my  young children. I have worked as adjunct faculty at both the College of San Mateo and at San Francisco State University.  Both of these institutions gave me valuable experience not only teaching, but also working as a part-time faculty and the challenges faced by these numerous and valuable members of the faculty. 

Century College

I joined the Engineering faculty at Century College in the Fall of 2010. The engineering program prides itself on hands-on project-based learning, often utilizing the engineering lab or fabrication lab space. I taught a wide variety of courses there, focusing on Introduction to Engineering, but also including statics, dynamics, deformable body mechanics, circuits 1, and circuits 1 lab. Additionally, I had the opportunity to integrate electronic portfolios into the Intro to Engr course as part of the Student Success initiative. I have also volunteered to speak at conferences such as the Young Women's Conference which takes place annually at Century.

University of Notre Dame

Previously, I was an Associate Teaching Professor in the College of Engineering for the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Notre Dame (08/2008-06/2010). During this period, I taught several courses, the details of which can be located by following the links on the sidebar. My research interests at Notre Dame revolved around teaching pedagogy and curricula. My efforts were towards aiding in teaching developments for the entire department, as well as the field of chemical engineering. My largest contribution was towards the Notre Dame electronic Portfolio project or NDeP (external link). I was the project lead for two years and we made significant gains in creating a pilot project that was implemented with our younger chemical engineering students. In particular, I was, and still am, interested in this project as a learning tool and advising tool for students. I was also the faculty adviser for the student chapter affiliate of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). The website for this group is located here. This group helps students while at their university to become involved with other schools' chemical engineers and chemical engineering programs, as well as gain experience in chemical engineering projects, such as the ChE car, which improve leadership and teamwork skills. A final topic I was involved with was ABET assessment. I was the lead organizer for the data collected for ABET assessment and was involved with modifying our department's needs with ABETs assessment tools and requirements.

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

Prior to joining the faculty at ND, I gained teaching experience as a visiting assistant professor at the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in the Chemical Engineering department. As this was my first experience teaching my own courses, I found the opportunity very valuable and the support given to me by my colleagues in the department helped ensure that my teaching career began well. In addition, as Rose-Hulman is a primarily undergraduate institution with a focus on engineering teaching, it fit in very well with my own educational and professional objectives.