Professional Service

The vast majority of my professional service is with the American Society for Engineering Educators. ASEE is the only engineering education society dedicated to the professional needs of engineering educators across all disciplines.  ASEE connects engineering educators to a world of research and a wealth of information.

ASEE'S MISSION  - to advance innovation, excellence, and access at all levels of education for the engineering profession 

ASEE'S VISION - to be the pre-eminent authority on the education of engineering professionals 

ASEE'S VALUES - Excellence, engagement, innovation, integrity, diversity, and inclusion 

ASEE'S GOALS - ASEE recognizes the term “engineering education” to encompass the full academic spectrum of instruction, research, scholarship, practice, and service. ASEE also has an enduring commitment to continuous improvement. In the context of the above two statements, ASEE pursues the following goals: 

First Year Programs Division

Visit the FPD website! 

The first-year programs division provides a forum for the interchange of ideas related to lower division engineering education, with an emphasis on student success in the first-year experience. 

2023 - Treasurer

2022 - Treasurer

2021 - Newsletter Editor

2020 - Newsletter Editor

I was elected to the treasurer position in  2022. My primary responsibilities include:

It has been very challenging being the Treasurer of an ASEE division in the past few years as ASEE national has been in a financial crisis. Overall, their financials are recovering and we are working to make sure the division funds are in place and able to support our division and especially our annual FYEE Conference.

Design in Engineering Education Division

Visit the DEED website!  

The purpose of DEED is to address the design education issues of virtually every engineering discipline. To this end, the division sponsors programs and other activities which address the particular problems and needs of engineering design education. The DEED membership is informed about the activities of the division and new developments in engineering design education through the DEED Bulletin.  

2020 - Past Chair

2019 - Division chair

2018 - Past-program chair, secretary, and treasurer. 

2017 - Program chair 

2016 - Program chair-elect

I was an officer on the DEED board for 5 years. My favorite role was that of Division chair. My primary responsibilities include:

It has been very rewarding to work with the board members and make a larger impact in the engineering design world through DEED and ASEE.

I've also taken on the role of newsletter editor for DEED. See an example of my visual newsletter from May 2019 below!

Off all the board positions, Program Chair is by far the most work. According to ASEE HQ, Program chairs are responsible for:

In reality, this position is responsible for:

New Engineering Educators Division

Visit the NEE website! 

2014 - Past Division Chair 

2013 - Division Chair 

2012 - Program Chair 

2011 - Vice Program Chair 

2010 - Treasurer

2009 - Secretary 

This division is intended for, but not limited to, engineering faculty within the first five years of their initial teaching appointment. The purpose of this unit is to disseminate information useful for the professional development of new faculty in the areas of teaching and research. 

I'm also a member of several other divisions. I publish and present in these divisions, and often also moderate during the annual conference, in addition to regularly attending presentations. I've reviewed over 46 papers for ASEE divisions since 2012!

The objective of this division is to provide a forum for the interchange of ideas between those people interested in lower division engineering and related studies, with an emphasis on the first year experience. Topics of interest include methods of integrating design, problem-solving, computing, and student success studies into the first year experience.  

This unit aims to provide a primary point of discussion and dissemination of knowledge on the value and impact of service-based efforts in engineering education; to encourage efforts to improve the design, implementation, and assessment of service-based pedagogy; and to enhance the status of service-based teaching and learning in institutions of higher education. 

The mission of this division is to foster and disseminate approaches to educate and stimulate faculty and students at all levels on entrepreneurship, including partnerships with business schools as well as the business and technology enterprise communities.

This group seeks to promote and develop Multidisciplinary Engineering Education by assisting in the development of sound curricula and by representing the interests of multidisciplinary engineering on a national level with regard to accreditation, student placement, etc. The group's goal is to have membership representation from all non-traditional multidisciplinary programs. 

Engineering Ethics Division

This group aims to foster the commitment of ethical principles and behavior among scientists, engineers, and technologists; to foster increased knowledge of the principles of engineering ethics; and to promote increased competence in the application of these principles by engineering and technology educators and by their students -- by promoting and hosting conferences, workshops, and technical sessions.