
Create a Google Doc

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With Google Docs, you can create and collaborate on documents from your computer, tablet, or mobile device. Docs can be easily shared with anyone, but with permissions that allow you to control who can view, comment, and edit content. Features like simultaneous editing by a team of collaborators, native Microsoft Word® editing, and offline access make Docs a powerful, free tool for teaching and learning. Watch one student use Google Docs to win class president!

How are teachers and students using Google Docs?

Collaborate with your Colleagues

Teachers can collaboratively create, edit, and share lesson plans in Google Docs with their colleagues in their school, or anywhere in the world. Mobile apps and offline access mean that their Docs are always available, in the classroom, at home, or on the road. Start collaborating now with Dickinson, Poe, Shakespeare, and the other great writers to compose your masterpiece.