Linda #7

The alewife Linda is named after Dr. Linda Deegan of the Marine Biological Lab and Plum Island Ecosystem Long Term Ecological Research. Linda was captured in the Ipswich Mills Dam box trap on April 23 and released there after tagging. She was last seen by the stationary receiver at Site 1, perhaps headed toward the Plum Island Sound, on May 1.


April 23, 7:00 pm: Linda is captured in the box trap near Site 2 (Ipswich Mills Dam). After being tagged, Linda was released at the trap.

April 24, 4:52 am: Linda is heard by the antenna located above the dam (Site 2) in the early morning. After this she bigins to move upstream.

April 24, 5:55 am: In just over an hour, Linda arrives to Site 3, but swims past in just 5 minutes.

April 24,1:16 pm: Linda is picked up by the receiver at Site 4, and is remains in the area for several hours. Her last time heard in range of this receiver is around 6:30 pm.

April 24, 8:14 pm: Linda is seen downstream at Site 3, where she stays for just over an hour.

April 24, 10:35: Continuing to move downstream, Linda is spotted by the receiver at the Ipswich Mills Dam (Site 2). She doesn't stay very long, and then turns to head back upstream.

April 24, 11:18 pm: Linda moves upstream to Site 3 fairly quickly, and then moves in and out of range of this receiver for a few days. For several hours each day she is picked up by this receiver, but her last hit here is on April 27 at 3:25 pm. At this point she begins heaading upstream again.

April 27, 5:21 pm: She is heading upstream quickly again, as Linda swims past the receiver at Site 4 in just 7 minutes.

April 28, 11:08 am: Linda is picked up several times by the downstream antenna at Site 6, Willowdale Dam. She remains in this area until 4:45 pm, then begins to head downstream.

April 28, 6:30 pm: Back at Site 5, Linda remains close to this receiver throughout the night, leaving mid-afternoon the following day (April 29). She is not seen until...

April 30, 1:46 pm: Linda is heard briefly at Site 4 as she continues swimming downstream.

April 30, 9:58 pm: Moving slightly slower than her first trip downstream from Site 4 to Site 3, Linda arrives to Site 3 late at night.

May 1, 1:00 am: Linda doesn't take a break but keeps moving downstream, reaching Site 2 (at the Ipswich Mills Dam) an hour after midnight.

May 1, 1:21 am: After moving past the dam, Linda swims past our final receiver at Site 1, and perhaps after this moves on to the Plum Island Sound. This is the last time Linda is picked up by a receiver.