IPSA Research Committee 44 Security, Conflict and Democratization

About IPSA RC-SCD (RC44)

Welcome to the homepage of the Research Committee on Security, Conflict, and Democratization (RC44) of International Political Science Association (IPSA). IPSA was founded in Paris in 1949 under the aegis of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). RC44 was founded in 1988 and granted research committee status in 1999.

The special mandate of IPSA, expressed in its Constitution, is to support the development of political science in all parts of the world, building academic networks linking East and West, North and South. Its aim is to create an inclusive and global political science community in which all can participate. It seeks to promote collaboration between scholars in emerging and established democracies and to support the academic freedoms needed for the social sciences to flourish.

RC44 Security, Conflict and Democratization is open to all those who are interested in researching about the relationship between democratic governance, authoritarian rule, international and national security, regional and local conflicts, and regulation of violence. We focus on issues of international security studies, critical security studies, securitization, human security, ethnic and religious violence, civil wars, terrorism, extremism, military's role in politics, military interventions, military coups, foreign military occupations, authoritarianism, democratization, peace studies, peacekeeping, semi-authoritarian, semi-democratic and democratic regimes, civil-military relations, and other relevant themes. We are proud to be committed to methodological and theoretical pluralism and to welcome members from all around the world.