IPSA 2009 SANTIAGO (CHILE) "Global discontent? Dilemmas of change":

RC44 — Shifting Rules & Shifting Roles of Military: Comparative Studies

Consolidating Democracy in Africa: Comparing Civilian Control of the Military in Nigeria and South Africa

Philip Aka

War, Old and New, in Columbia: The Insurgent Movement and the Degradation of the Conflict

Luz Margarita Cardona Zuleta

RC44 — Evolving Role of the Military in the 21st century

The Evolving Role of the Military in the 21st Century

Asha Gupta

The Seizure of Power by the Military: Domestic Order and Control of the Military

Jyoti Kumari

Dictatorial Democracy in Columbia

Graicy Sierra Ospina

RC44 — Quest for Democracy: Can Military Help in Combating Terrorism?

Combating Terrorism Through Military Action: Assessing its Urgency and Ugliness

Sharda Jain

Pakistan's Quest for Democratization with a Proactive Military

Pramod Kumar Mishra

Pakistan’s Failure at Democratic Consolidation: Explaining the Cyclical Pattern of Civilian and Military Rule

Moeed Yusuf

The "Deep State" Phenomenon and the Judicial Autonomy of the Turkish Military

Mehtap Söyler