(OUTDATED) IPSA RC 2019 Call for Papers

Keynote speakers:


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Organized by

Hosted by

In cooperation with

Venue and date

Nagasaki 19

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Theme: Global Risk, Security and Ethnicity

This is a call for papers for the conference on global risk, security, and ethnicity which will be convened in Nagasaki, Japan, on 10-11 August 2019. The conference will be organized by Research Committee 44 (on Security, Conflict and Democratization) of the International Political Science Association in collaboration with Nagasaki University, RC14 (Politics and Ethnicity), RC43 (Religion and Politics), RC12 (Biology and Politics), RC35 (Technology and Development), and other RCs.

Tentative conference schedule:

*tentative as of 2019/7/11

Tentative list of panels:

Today the world is faced with pervading tensions and violent changes which challenge the way we define and respond to security, risks and ethnicity. The conference provides an opportunity to critically examine and share experiences on the causes and consequences of conflict; security threats; societal risks; and dynamics of ethnic conflict and provide some possible strategies as well as theoretical implications for the future. The approach will be inter-disciplinary in nature and will draw on the wide and comparative prism of the different regions of the world (Americas, Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia and Pacific) as well as the unique circumstances of different countries and specific situations.

The papers can be based on theoretical discourse, philosophical debates, empirical case studies, comparative analysis between regions or countries, or critical narrative and reflection of an ongoing situation. We welcome interdisciplinary approaches that include areas of study including cultural studies, history, anthropology, ethnography, geography, security studies, international relations, law, philosophy, indigenous studies, media studies, feminist and gender studies, queer perspectives, sociolinguistics, development studies, psychology, and economics, to mention a few.

We hope to publish the papers related to risk and security in a book, and contributions focusing on ethnicity will be published separately in another volume.

Paper abstracts and panel proposals of about 300 words should be submitted through the two forms below. Only if you are unable to submit through the entry forms below or here, you may send your abstracts to the RC44 Vice-President, Radomir Compel at Nagasaki University (cmplrad@nagasaki-u.ac.jp). Early responses will be accepted from August 1, 2018, and paper abstracts and panel proposals can be submitted from Oct 1, 2018. The deadline for abstracts and panel proposals is Dec 20, 2018 and the deadline for the final papers is July 10, 2019.

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Planned sessions (tentative):

1. New theoretical perspectives on risk, ethnicity and security

2. Emerging security risks and counter-measures

3. Securitization and risk-management of migration

4. Human security of global health and epidemic risks

5. Technological innovation and risks

6. Global risks of new nuclear energy and nuclear security regimes

7. Religious perspectives on risk and violence

8. Securitization and mitigation of ethnic and religious risks

9. Local and metropolitan governance of new risks and insecurities

10. Democratization, constitutionalism, and risks in ethnically diverse societies

11. Violence, sectarianism and ethnicity in regional perspective

12. Global environmental risks and local knowledge

13. Overcoming gender-associated risks and violence

14. Transitional risks in democratization – violence, militarism and authoritarianism

15. Human security and international intervention – peacekeeping and responsibility to protect

16. Democratic deconsolidation and civil-military relations

17. Current issues in security

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Abstract submission form (1 Oct. - 20 Dec. 2018, all applicants must submit)

Also available here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdphKyHcHYx4C3l6VpKyy2CUE4s9C0yYSRwQyeZetedAuJOTA/viewform

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Important dates

30 September 2018 - Early submission deadline

20 December 2018 - Abstract submission deadline

31 January 2019 - Acceptance notifications to successful candidates

31 March 2019 - Early bird registration deadline

31 May 2019 - Late registration deadline

10 July 2019 - Full paper submission deadline

Flights and access

Most of the international flights to Nagasaki go through Tokyo (Narita or Haneda), Osaka, or Fukuoka. Only a few international airlines fly directly to the Nagasaki Airport. Flights to Tokyo, Osaka or Fukuoka from any part of the world are frequent, and there are many domestic flights from there to the Nagasaki Airport. Access by express train or highway bus is also possible, generally from/to Fukuoka. Further access directions are provided here: Nagasaki University Sakamoto Medical School Campus directions.


The conference will be held at the Ryojun Kaikan (Ryojun Hall) of the Sakamoto (Medical School) Campus of Nagasaki University. Nagasaki University has three campuses and Sakamoto (Medical School) Campus is NOT the main campus (where the organizing committee is located), nor is it at the same location with Nagasaki University Hospital.

Ryojun Hall, Sakamoto (Medical School) Campus, Nagasaki University

Open in large view


There are a few conference-friendly hotels around the university, and many more hotels are located in the center of Nagasaki. The city is a popular tourist location, and hotels tend to be fairly occupied during the period of the atomic bomb and peace memorial ceremonies held shortly before the time of the conference. We advise you to secure hotel booking well in advance of the conference, best soon after the notice of acceptance in late January. Booking.com and other meta-search engines may aid you in finding your accommodation. The following link is for reference only (accommodation tips). The organizing committee can help you in making reservation for your accommodation. If you need help in obtaining reservation, please e-mail the organizer. We also encourage you to come one day earlier to witness the atomic bomb and peace memorial ceremonies, or to extend your stay and enjoy the many historical tourist attractions for which Nagasaki is renown.

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Registration and expenses

Authors of accepted papers will be contacted by e-mail on January 31st, 2019, which will be the starting date for registrations and payment. Early bird registration deadline is 31 March 2019, and late registrations will be accepted until 30 June 2019. All payments will be through Paypal and following rates apply.

Early bird registration (31 January - 31 March, 2019): faculty and non-student presenters - 120 USD, graduate students - 50 USD, non-presenting audience 170 USD.

Late registration (1 April - 30 June, 2019): faculty and non-student presenters - 150 USD, graduate students - 70 USD, non-presenting audience 170 USD.

Dinner fee (optional): 50 USD.

Students and participants from global south countries (link to IPSA on Global South countries) may apply for a limited bursary at the time of submission or during the early bird registration period by sending an e-mail and describing their circumstances to ipsa44<at>yahoo.com. The decision on recipients and amount will be made by 30 June 2019.

Organizing committee

Radomir Compel, Nagasaki University, Japan

Steven Ratuva, University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Rosalie Hall, University of Philippines Visayas, Philippines

Katsuhiko Takizawa, Nagasaki University, Japan

Ryo Nakai, University of Kitakyushu, Japan (for RC14 Politics and Ethnicity)

Luca Ozzano, University of Turin (for RC43 Religion and Politics)

Albert Sommit, Southern Illinois University (ret., for RC12 Biology and Politics)

Dhirenda Vajpeyi, University of Northern Iowa (for RC35 Technology and Development)

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List of other potential issue areas for presentations

    • the changing role of the military in politics

    • the democratic oversight of the military

    • military as guardian of democracy

    • militarization of the state

    • authoritarianism, populism and the security state

    • law, constitution and the state

    • civil-military relations

    • the role of security in peace-building

    • human security, ethnic and societal security, and securitization

    • militarism and democracy promotion

    • peace-keeping, ethnicity and conflict

    • disaster relief, emergency powers and security

    • police, military and internal control

    • resistance, ethnicity and people power

    • militarism as ideology

    • democratic education, indoctrination and security

    • security, propaganda and the media

    • cyberspace, digital risks and conflict

    • military coercion and democratic hegemony

    • armament buildup and militarization of society

    • armed conflict, refugees, ethnicity, and migration

    • military, democracy and ethnic marginalization

    • healthcare, communicable diseases and biohazard

    • disasters, societal and natural risks, and resilience

    • environmental degradation and security risks

    • climate change and global environmental risks

    • ethnic identity and the state

    • gender, LGBTQ, ethnicity, and conflict

    • indigenous rights, ethnic tensions and consociationalism

    • ethnicity, identity and conflict

    • religion, sectarianism, secularism and militarism

    • state sovereignty, globalization and borders

    • military justice, human rights, ethnic cleansing and war crimes

    • overseas military deployment

    • cold war, deterrence and democratic peace

    • world wars and historical memory

    • security alliances and alliance politics

    • military occupation of foreign areas

    • language, ethnicity, intercultural communication and security

    • democracy and nuclear weapons (control, proliferation, abolition)

    • modern technology, change and social risk

    • terrorism, ethnicity, extremism and insurgency

    • armament, disarmament and conflict dynamics

    • privatization of security

    • corporate interest and military-industrial complex

    • neo-colonialism and militarization

    • post-colonial democracy, ethnicity and regime stability

    • developmental states, ethnicity and security

    • ethno-nationalism and conflict

    • ethnic tension and political risks

    • ethnic militaries and social risks

    • critical approaches to risk and security

    • multiculturalism, peace-building and national reconciliation

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Tentative conference schedule:

*tentative as of 2019/7/7

*numbers indicated do not reflect actual panel numbers

Tentative list of panels:

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The PDF version of the call for papers can be downloaded here.