Sign up for Pupilage groups - by October 4th

Post date: Sep 23, 2010 3:56:09 PM

Dear Inn Members and Guests,

Thanks to those who attended the September 21st Organizational Meeting! We introduced ourselves, discussed how the Inn runs, and reviewed the program for the year. Special thanks to Woodcock Washburn for hosting the meeting.

If you did not already sign-up for a pupilage group at the meeting, please send your 1st choice and a backup 2nd choice by October 4th to Stam Stamoulis (302) 999-1540 email:

Our meeting schedule/program is on our website at

See link below for a list of Pupilage groups

We look forward to seeing everyone at the Inn's next meeting on October 20th at Panitch Schwarze Belisario & Nadel LLP.

Thank you,

Lauren Schmidt


Benjamin Franklin American Inn of Court