SCAMP is a cohort study which will follow several thousand secondary school pupils across London from year 7 through to year 9. The aim of this study is to investigate whether children’s use of mobile phones and/or other technologies that use radio waves e.g. portable landline phones and wireless internet, might affect their cognitive or behavioural development e.g. attention, memory, language understanding. SCAMP will be the largest study in the world to date to address this important research question.

This research will be led by Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Imperial College London in collaboration with Birkbeck, University of London, and the Swiss Tropical Public Health Institute

Click here to see the research team

This study is commissioned by the Department of Health via the Research Initiative on Health and Mobile Telecommunications (RIHMT), an independent programme of research that is jointly funded by government and industry, and is managed through the Department of Health’s Policy Research Programme.