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Openings in the lab
Press and Media
Current projects
Iroise Dumontheil moves to the University of Melbourne
Iroise Dumontheil takes part in a discussion at UCL IOE about Teenagers
Congratulations to Dr. Georgina Donati!
Annie Brookman receives prize at the BACN
Apply for a Postdoc position within the UnLoCKE project
BBC Radio 3 Round Table
BBC Radio Wales interview
Book a ticket to see Meta
Calling for interested PhD applicants
Congratulations to Rosy, Lucía and Irene, who passed their PhD vivas!
Graduation day
iDCNlab at the SRCD-Flux conference in Leiden
Iroise Dumontheil receives the 15th Elizabeth Warrington Prize
Iroise interviewed for a podcast on self-directed learning
Iroise interviewed on Channel 4 news
Lucia Magis-Weinberg obtains a Student Travel Award to attend the flux conference
Lucia Magis-Weinberg receives Bogue Research Fellowship
META theatre project - the teenage brain
New paper in Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences
New paper in Developmental Neuropsychology
Recruiting BBK students for a new study
Rosy wins best poster prize at Birmingham conference
Sarah Jensen's JAMA Pediatrics paper is out
Sarah Jensen's paper from her work with the World Health Organisation is out
Summer lab picnic
Talk at the Sunday Times Festival of Education, 18 June 2015
Video on brain development on PhD comics
New Educational Neuroscience book is out!
Wellcome Trust Large Arts Awards funded
Iroise summarises the results of the UnLocke project
Learnus Blog
Adolescents and multitasking
BPS Replication and Reproducibility in Psychological Science
Current Issues in Educational Neuroscience: A workshop sponsored by the Bloomsbury and UCL Doctoral Training Centres
Follow the Meta Science and Arts forum theatre project blog
Foundations of the Educated Brain: Infancy and Early Childhood
Summary of ESRC Seminar on Cognitive Training in Children, MRC-CBU 11-12 Jan 2016
The future of fMRI in cognitive neuroscience - Russell Poldrack
The science behind META
Past projects
Director task
Openings in the lab
Press and Media
Current projects
Iroise Dumontheil moves to the University of Melbourne
Iroise Dumontheil takes part in a discussion at UCL IOE about Teenagers
Congratulations to Dr. Georgina Donati!
Annie Brookman receives prize at the BACN
Apply for a Postdoc position within the UnLoCKE project
BBC Radio 3 Round Table
BBC Radio Wales interview
Book a ticket to see Meta
Calling for interested PhD applicants
Congratulations to Rosy, Lucía and Irene, who passed their PhD vivas!
Graduation day
iDCNlab at the SRCD-Flux conference in Leiden
Iroise Dumontheil receives the 15th Elizabeth Warrington Prize
Iroise interviewed for a podcast on self-directed learning
Iroise interviewed on Channel 4 news
Lucia Magis-Weinberg obtains a Student Travel Award to attend the flux conference
Lucia Magis-Weinberg receives Bogue Research Fellowship
META theatre project - the teenage brain
New paper in Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences
New paper in Developmental Neuropsychology
Recruiting BBK students for a new study
Rosy wins best poster prize at Birmingham conference
Sarah Jensen's JAMA Pediatrics paper is out
Sarah Jensen's paper from her work with the World Health Organisation is out
Summer lab picnic
Talk at the Sunday Times Festival of Education, 18 June 2015
Video on brain development on PhD comics
New Educational Neuroscience book is out!
Wellcome Trust Large Arts Awards funded
Iroise summarises the results of the UnLocke project
Learnus Blog
Adolescents and multitasking
BPS Replication and Reproducibility in Psychological Science
Current Issues in Educational Neuroscience: A workshop sponsored by the Bloomsbury and UCL Doctoral Training Centres
Follow the Meta Science and Arts forum theatre project blog
Foundations of the Educated Brain: Infancy and Early Childhood
Summary of ESRC Seminar on Cognitive Training in Children, MRC-CBU 11-12 Jan 2016
The future of fMRI in cognitive neuroscience - Russell Poldrack
The science behind META
Past projects
Director task
Openings in the lab
Press and Media
Current projects
Iroise Dumontheil moves to the University of Melbourne
Iroise Dumontheil takes part in a discussion at UCL IOE about Teenagers
Congratulations to Dr. Georgina Donati!
Annie Brookman receives prize at the BACN
Apply for a Postdoc position within the UnLoCKE project
BBC Radio 3 Round Table
BBC Radio Wales interview
Book a ticket to see Meta
Calling for interested PhD applicants
Congratulations to Rosy, Lucía and Irene, who passed their PhD vivas!
Graduation day
iDCNlab at the SRCD-Flux conference in Leiden
Iroise Dumontheil receives the 15th Elizabeth Warrington Prize
Iroise interviewed for a podcast on self-directed learning
Iroise interviewed on Channel 4 news
Lucia Magis-Weinberg obtains a Student Travel Award to attend the flux conference
Lucia Magis-Weinberg receives Bogue Research Fellowship
META theatre project - the teenage brain
New paper in Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences
New paper in Developmental Neuropsychology
Recruiting BBK students for a new study
Rosy wins best poster prize at Birmingham conference
Sarah Jensen's JAMA Pediatrics paper is out
Sarah Jensen's paper from her work with the World Health Organisation is out
Summer lab picnic
Talk at the Sunday Times Festival of Education, 18 June 2015
Video on brain development on PhD comics
New Educational Neuroscience book is out!
Wellcome Trust Large Arts Awards funded
Iroise summarises the results of the UnLocke project
Learnus Blog
Adolescents and multitasking
BPS Replication and Reproducibility in Psychological Science
Current Issues in Educational Neuroscience: A workshop sponsored by the Bloomsbury and UCL Doctoral Training Centres
Follow the Meta Science and Arts forum theatre project blog
Foundations of the Educated Brain: Infancy and Early Childhood
Summary of ESRC Seminar on Cognitive Training in Children, MRC-CBU 11-12 Jan 2016
The future of fMRI in cognitive neuroscience - Russell Poldrack
The science behind META
Past projects
Director task
Talk at the Sunday Times Festival of Education, 18 June 2015
Post date: Jul 10, 2015 3:08:14 PM
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