Journalling by Hexagram & Line

In addition to journalling your I Ching Readings, version 2.1 of this software now allows you to create a virtually unlimited number of notes for individual hexagrams and lines. This provides space to record any new understandings and realisations arising from reflecting on the meanings of hexagrams and lines. In this way it is possible to use the software to document your developing knowledge of the I Ching.

Adding Notes for Individual Hexagrams

1. Open the HEXAGRAM TEXT FORM by clicking the READ HEXAGRAM button on the main READINGS SCREEN.

2. Select the NOTES TAB to view all notes written for this hexagram. In the example above there are three.Click the Note Title link to bring up the full note.

3. Alternatively, click NEW NOTE a the bottom of the window to create a new note.

Adding Notes for Individual Hexagram Lines

1. Open the HEXAGRAM LINE TEXT FORM by clicking one of the line buttons by the side of the hexagram graphic. These are found on the MAIN READINGS SCREEN or the HEXAGRAM TEXT SCREEN.

2.Select the NOTES TAB of the LINE TEXT WINDOW. Then just click the note title link to open an existing note, or click NEW NOTE to create a new note.

Adding a Translators Hexagram Commentary

    1. From the MAIN READINGS SCREEN click the READ HEXAGRAM button to bring up the HEXAGRAM TEXT SCREEN.

    2. Click an existing hexagram title link to bring up the HEXAGRAM TRANSLATION SCREEN.

    3. Click VIEW TRANSLATORS COMMENTARY in the bottom right hand corner of the HEXAGRAM TRANSLATION SCREEN.

    4. You may then enter or view an outline of the translators commentary for that particular hexagram.

Adding a Translators Line Commentary

    1. Click one of the LINE BUTTONS by the hexagram graphic. These are on the MAIN READINGS SCREEN, and the HEXAGRAM TEXT SCREEN. This brings up the LINE TEXT SCREEN.

    2. Select an existing line translation from the right hand window.

    3. Click the VIEW LINE TRANSLATORS COMMENTARY button, bottom right of the form.