
updated: Jun. 11, 2024

invited talks

in reverse chronological order (recent one first)

*some of them are video-recorded and uploaded; check them out!

[82] New trends in Teichmüller theory, ICTS, Bangalore, India (scheduled: Feb.24-Mar.7 2025)

[81] Tohoku Cluster Seminar, online, Tohoku University, Japan (scheduled: Jul.22, 2024)
"Modular functor conjecture from quantum Teichmüller theory"
H Verlinde suggested in 1980's to use quantization of the Teichmüller spaces of surfaces to study the spaces of conformal blocks for the Liouville conformal field theory. This suggestion initiated and stimulated the development of quantum Teichmüller theory, and the first major steps were taken by Kashaev and by Chekhov and Fock in 1990's, where the Chekhov-Fock quantization is generalized later by Fock and Goncharov to quantization of cluster varieties. The modular functor conjecture asserts that these quantum theories of Teichmüller spaces indeed yield a 2-dimensional modular functor, which can be viewed as one axiomatization of conformal field theory. The core part of the conjecture says that, for each punctured surface S and an essential simple loop in S, the Hilbert space associated to S by quantum Teichmüller theory should decompose into the direct integral of the Hilbert spaces associated to the surface obtained by cutting S along the loop and shrinking the holes to punctures. I will give an introduction to this story and present some recent developments, including 2001.06802 and 2405.14727.

[80] seminar, POSTECH, Pohang, Korea (May.17, 2024)
"Canonical basis, cluster variety, and Riemann's moduli space of curves"

[79] School on Lie theoretical methods in symplectic geometry and mirror symmetry, QSMS (at SNU), Busan, Korea (Apr.25-28, 2024)
"Fock-Goncharov moduli spaces of G-local systems on a surface" (talk 1/2) (Apr.27, 2024)
"On canonical bases of regular functions on Fock-Goncharov moduli spaces" (talk 2/2) (Apr.28, 2024)

[78] Special session in Geometric Structures and Representation Spaces, 2024 KMS Spring Meeting, Daejeon, Korea (Apr.18-20,2024)
"On cluster coordinates on the moduli space of three-dimensional spacetimes"

[77] guest lecture, held online, hosted by Jinan University - University of Birmingham Joint Institute (J-BJI), Guangzhou, China (Mar.21, 2023)
"Beauty, Symmetry and Mathematics"
(you could ask me or Michel van Garrel for the recorded video)

[76] Conference on Algebraic Representation Theory 2023 (CART 2023), NCTS, Taiwan (Dec.1-3, 2023)
"Quantum geometry from representation theory of various quantum plane Hopf algebras" (Dec.1, 2023)

[75] Math Seminar, DGIST, Daegu, Korea (Nov.23, 2023)
"Monodromy: what happens if we travel around and come back?"

[74] Workshop on Mathematical Challenges 2023, hosted by HCMC of KIAS, held at Renebleu by Walkerhill, Gangwon-do, Korea (Aug.29-31, 2023)
"Cluster varieties, higher Teichmüller spaces, and quantization" (Aug.31, 2023)

[73] seminar, KIAS, Seoul, Korea (Jul. 3, 2023)
"Quantization of moduli spaces of geometric structures on a surface"

[72] Cluster algebras and related topics in East Asia, held at SNU, Seoul, Korea (Jun.19-21, 2023)
"A cluster-variety quantization of 3-dimensional gravity" (Jun. 20)

[71] Special session in Geometric Structures and Representation Spaces, 2023 KMS Spring Meeting, Daejeon, Korea (Apr.27-29,2023)
"Cluster variety approach to higher Teichmüller spaces" (Apr.29)

[70] workshop, QSMS (at SNU), Mokpo, Korea (Dec.26-29, 2022)
"Character variety, skein algebra, and quantum group" (Dec.26)

[69] PK² Topology Workshop, Busan, Korea (Nov.1-4, 2022)
"Quantum Teichmüller theory and its generalizations"

[68] Workshop on Quantum Analysis 2022, Gangneung, Korea (Aug.21-26, 2022)
(2/2) "Modular functor conjecture" (Aug.22)
(1/2)  "Quantization of the Teichmüller space of a punctured Riemann surface" (Aug.22)

[67] From Representation Theory to Mathematical Physics and Back, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook, NY, US (May.31-Jun.4, 2022)
"A deformation quantization of moduli spaces of 3-dimensional gravity"
* Igor Frenkel's 70th birthday conference!
* video for this talk : [here]
        * videos for other talks can be found in the conference website : [here]

[66] Invited Lecture in Algebra, 2022 KMS Spring Meeting, online, Korea (Apr. 29, 2022)
"Cluster variety approach to various moduli spaces"

[65] workshop, QSMS (at SNU), Yeosu, Korea (Jan.9-Jan.12, 2022)
        "Three dimensional construction of the Virasoro-Bott group"

[64] Colloquium, KIAS (online Zoom), Seoul, Korea (Dec.30, 2021)
        "Quantization of cluster varieties, ordinary and higher Teichmüller spaces, and 3d gravity"

[63] Colloquium, KAIST (online Zoom), Daejeon, Korea (Nov.18, 2021)
        "The Monster and the universe"

[62] seminar, Handong Univ. (online Zoom), Pohang, Korea (Oct.14, 2021)
"Sphere packing, and symmetries"

[61] Mathematical Physics Seminar, Purdue Univ. (online Zoom), US (Sep.23, 2021)
"Three dimensional construction of the Virasoro-Bott group"

[60] seminar, Konkuk Univ., Seoul, Korea (Aug.4, 2021)
"Fock-Goncharov's higher Teichmüller spaces"

[59] seminar, Jeonbuk National Univ. (online, Zoom), Jeonju, Korea (Jul.22, 2021)
"SL3-laminations as bases for PGL3 cluster varieties for surfaces"

[58] Cluster Algebra and Related Topics, QSMS (online, Zoom), Seoul, Korea (Jul.12-15, 2021)
(2/2) "SL3-PGL3 Fock-Goncharov duality conjecture" (Jul.15) (in Korean)
(1/2) "Fock-Goncharov duality conjecture and tropical integer points of cluster A-varieties" (Jul.14) (in Korean)
*The lecture notes can be found in the above webpage for this conference.

[57] A mathematician's lecture for the physicists, KIAS, Seoul, Korea (Apr.2, 2021)
"Quantization of ordinary and higher Teichmüller spaces of surfaces" (11:00-12:00 and 14:00-15:00)
* [polished lecture notes]

[56] intensive lectures, Quantum Geometry and Representation Theory,  online school, hosted by Osaka City University Advanced Mathematical Institute, Japan (Mar.1-5, 2021) (the lecture notes can be found in the above webpage for this school. The lecture videos are also recorded, but are not open to public. You can contact the organizers if you'd like to get the links.)

 my theme : Quantum Teichmüller theory and quantum cluster varieties
(4/4) "Deformation quantization of PGL3 higher Teichmüller spaces" (Mar.4, 2021)
(3/4) "Deformation quantization of enhanced Teichmüller spaces" (Mar.4, 2021)
(2/4) "Quantization problems for cluster varieties" (Mar.2, 2021)
(1/4) "Higher Teichmüller spaces and cluster varieties" (Mar.1, 2021)

[55] Online Cluster Algebra Seminar (OCAS), online (Zoom), (Feb. 16(US time) = Feb.17(Korea time))
"SL3-laminations as bases for PGL3 cluster varieties for surfaces" (the lecture video and the lecture notes can be found in the OCAS website; but you need to directly ask the organizer(s) to get the password)

[54] seminar talk, online (Zoom), KIAS, Seoul, Korea (January 20-21, 2021)
(2/2) "Quantum dilogarithm and quantum geometry" (Jan. 21, 2021) [video (in Korean)] (last one hour is make-up for the first lecture)
(1/2) "Skein algebra and Bonahon-Wong's SL2 quantum trace map" (Jan. 20, 2021) [video (in Korean)]

[53] 16th KIAS Geometry Winter School, onilne (Zoom), KIAS, Seoul, Korea (January 2021)
(2/2) "Teichmüller spaces as cluster varieties" (Jan. 25, 2021)
(1/2) "Basics on Teichmüller spaces of Riemann surfaces" (Jan. 19, 2021)

[52] Legendrians, Cluster algebras, and Mirror symmetry, Online and Postech, Pohang, Korea (Jan. 11-15, 2021)
"SL3-laminations as bases for PGL3 cluster varieties for surfaces" (Jan. 13, 2021)
-> [video(in English) and lecture note are uploaded in the conference webpage: here] (but the talk is very introductory, and I didn't say much about the SL3 result)

[51] Special session in Representation Theory and Related Topics, 2020 KMS Annual Meeting, Virtual Conference (ZOOM), Korea (Oct.23-24, 2020)
"Irreducible self-adjoint representation of quantum Teichmüller space and phase constants" (Oct.24, 2020) [video (in Korean)]

[50] intensive lectures, online (Zoom), KIAS, Seoul, Korea (Oct. 21,22,28,29, 2020)
(4/4) "Quantum regular functions on Teichmüller space" (Oct. 29, 2020) [video (in Korean)]
(3/4) "Duality phenomena for cluster variety" (Oct. 28, 2020) [video (in Korean)]
(2/4) "Cluster variety and quantization" (Oct. 22, 2020) [video (in Korean)]
(1/4) "Teichmüller space and higher Teichmüller space" (Oct. 21, 2020) [video (in Korean)]
*there may be some incorrect statements in the talk, so please use at your own risk.

[49] Three W's Seminar, ZOOM session, KIAS, Seoul, Korea (Jul. 13, 2020)
"Intertwining operators for representations of quantum varieties"

[48] Infinite Analysis 20 Workshop: Cluster Algebras, Representation Theory, and Geometry, Osaka City University Advanced Mathematical Institute, Osaka, Japan (scheduled: March 2-March 6, 2020)

"Deformation quantization of Teichmüller space by Bonahon-Wong quantum trace"

[47] 15th KIAS Geometry Winter School, High One Resort, Gangwon-Do, Korea (Dec. 29, 2019)
"Goldman symplectic structure on space of surface group representations, and skein algebra"

[46] seminar, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (Oct.31, 2019)
"An ordering problem on triangulated surfaces from quantum Teichmüller theory"

[45] seminar, KIAS, Seoul, Korea (Jul.24, 2019)
"Regular functions on cluster varieties"

[44] seminar, KIAS, Seoul, Korea (Jun.25, 2019)
"Quantum Teichmuller space and skein algebra"

[43] 2018 Symposium in Algebraic Geometry, Hae-un-dae, Busan, Korea (Dec.26, 2018)
"Deformation quantization of cluster varieties from Riemann surfaces"

[42] Colloquium, Soongsil Univ., Seoul, Korea (Oct.25, 2018)
"Complex analysis, Monster group, and the universe"

[41] seminar talk, KIAS, Seoul, Korea (Aug.8, 2018)
"Regular functions on cluster variety coming from a punctured surface"

[40] SWAG4 (Sinchon Workshop on Algebraic Geometry 4), Ewha Womans Univ., Seoul, Korea (Apr.27, 2018)
"Quadratic forms, lattices, and some classification"

[39] Geometry Now, Ewha Womans Univ., Seoul, Korea (Feb.26-27, 2018)
"Quantization of moduli spaces of geometric structures"

[38] KIAS Geometry Winter School, High One Resort, Gangwon-Do, Korea (Jan.28-Feb.2, 2018 (my talk on Feb.1))
"Quantum Geometry in 2d and 3d"

[37] SWAG3 (Sinchon Workshop on Algebraic Geometry 3), Yonsei Univ. Seoul, Korea (Nov. 9-10, 2017)
"Quantization of cluster varieties"

[36] KIAS Alumni Workshop in Mathematics, KIAS, Seoul, Korea (Sep. 22-23, 2017)
"Quantization of Teichmüller spaces"

[35] Communications in Analysis and Geometry, Ewha Womans Univ., Seoul, Korea (Jun. 16, 2017)
"Monstrous moonshine"

[34] Colloquium (for undergraduates), SNU, Seoul, Korea (Jun. 01, 2017)
"196884 = 196883 + 1"

[33] Invited Lecture in Topology, 2017 KMS Spring Meeting, Chosun Univ., Gwangju, Korea (Apr. 29, 2017)
"Quantum Teichmüller theory"

[32] Colloquium, Ewha Womans Univ., Seoul, Korea (Mar. 23, 2017)
"Riemann and Einstein"

[31] seminar talk, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea (Dec. 12, 2016)
"Introduction to quantization of cluster varieties"

[30] Special session in Representation Theory, 2016 KMS Annual Meeting, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (Oct.22, 2016)
"Quantum Teichmüller space from the quantum plane"

[29] lecture series, String theory group seminar(?), Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (Sep. 12, 19, 23 2016)
"Quantum Teichmüller theory" (Sep.12)
"Quantization of cluster varieties" (Sep. 19)
"Quantization of higher Teichmüller spaces" (Sep. 23)

[28] Summer school on Algebraic Geometry and Conformal Field Theory, Geoje Daemyung Resort, Gyeong-nam, Korea (Aug.21-26, 2016)
"Quantization of Teichmüller spaces, and 2d conformal field theory"
(special session) "Quantum Teichmüller theory and the Thompson group T"

[27] (quantum topology) (informal) seminar talk, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (Jun.17, 2016)
"Kashaev quantization of Teichmüller spaces"

[26] lecture series (in Korean), PMI-SNU Quantum Topology Winter School, SNU, Seoul, Korea (Feb.15-19, 2016)
"Teichmüller space, cluster algebra, and their quantization"

[25] (geometry and topology) (informal) seminar talk, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (Jan. 4, 2016)
"Topological approach to seed-trivial mutation sequences in cluster algebras"

[24] (geometry and dynamics) seminar talk, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (Dec. 15, 2015)
"Coordinate systems of higher Teichmüller spaces"

[23] (quantum topology) (informal) seminar talk, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (Dec. 4, 2015)
"Introduction to Quantum Teichmüller theory"

[22] Algebra Seminar, KIAS, Seoul, Korea (Oct. 14, 2015)
"On cluster varieties"

[21] Workshop on Liouville theory, Integrable system, and related topics, KIAS, Seoul, Korea (scheduled: Jun. 26, 2015)
"Quantum Teichmüller theory from representation theory of quantum groups"

[20] Algebra Seminar, KIAS, Seoul, Korea (Mar. 12, 2015)

[19] Hyperbolic Geometry Seminar, KIAS, Seoul, Korea (Jan. 13, 2015)
"Quantization of Teichmüller spaces and higher Teichmuller spaces"

[18] Young Mathematicians Workshop on Cluster Algebras, KIAS, Seoul, Korea (Dec. 12, 2014)
"Central extensions of mapping class groups from quantum Teichmuller theory"

[17] Colloquium, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea (Nov. 13, 2014)
"Gentle introduction to hyperbolic geometry"

[16] MS (Mathematics - String Theory) Seminar, Kavli IPMU, Tokyo, Japan (Oct. 15, 2014)
"Central extensions of the Ptolemy-Thompson group T from quantization of universal Teichmüller space"

[15] ACRT (Algebraic Combinatorics and Representation Theory) Seminar, KIAS, Seoul, Korea (Sep. 12, 2014)
"An introductory discussion on Topological Quantum Field Theory"

[14] Basic Aspects of Representation Theory Seminar, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (April 30, 2014)
"Representations of quantum plane algebra"

[13] Topology & Dynamics Seminar, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (March 2014)
"Central extensions of the Thompson group T from quantization of the universal Teichmüller space"

[12] I-seminar, KIAS, Seoul, Korea (October 2013)
"(The idiot's guide to) quantization of Teichmüller spaces"

[11] Representation Theory Seminar, KIAS, Seoul, Korea (September 2013)
"Quantum Dilogarithm"

[10] Columbia Symplectic Geometry, Gauge Theory, and Categorification Seminar, Columbia Univ., New York, NY, USA (April 2013)
"Central extensions of the Ptolemy-Thompson group from quantization of the universal Teichmüller space"

[9] Teichmuller Theory: quantization and relations with physics, ESI, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (April 2013)
"The dilogarithmic central extension of the Ptolemy-Thompson group via the Kashaev quantization of the universal
Teichmüller space"

[8] Representation Theory Seminar, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY, USA (September 2012)
"Quantum Teichmüller space from the quantum plane"

[7] Geometry, Symmetry, and Physics Seminar, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA (October 2010)
"Quantum Teichmüller space from quantum plane"

[6] Graduate Student Seminar, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA (September 2010)
"Quantum Teichmüller space from quantum plane"

[5] Joint meeting of the KMS (Korean Mathematical Society) and the AMS, Special session on Representation Theory, Ehwa Womans University, Seoul, Korea (December 2009)
"A gerbal representation of SU(2)"

[4] Graduate Student Seminar, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA (October 2009)
"Gerbal representations and gerbes"

[3] Graduate Student Seminar, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA (October 2008)
"Uniform construction of finite simple groups"

[2] Seminar talk, Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY, USA (October 2007)
"Simultaneous construction of the sporadic groups Co_1. Fi_{24}' and J_4"

[1] 1024th AMS meeting, Special session on Computational Group Theory, Davidson College, Davidson, NC, USA (March 2007)
"Simultaneous constructions of the sporadic groups Co_2 and Fi_{22}"