(Dec. 2021)

I'm Hyun Kyu Kim (김현규).    (first name is "Hyun Kyu")

I'm a Professor at Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS, 고등과학원, 한국과학기술원부설고등과학원).

To contact me: hkim (at) kias (dot) re (dot) kr

Perhaps the key theme of my research results published so far can be said to be quantum (higher) Teichmüller theory.

These days, (in Korea) I'm trying to sell myself as belonging to the area of `Geometric Topology', `Quantum Geometry', and `Physical Mathematics' (`Mathematical Physics' in Korea seems to be restricted only to PDE related topics),

with the major theme being `3d Quantum Gravity', or `Quantization of regular functions on higher Teichmüller spaces and cluster varieties'.

To a layman I say either that I study `mysteries of the universe' (and people usually laugh when I say it) or `symmetries' (but I don't say that these days..).

More specifically, I'm interested in:


My office is 1229 KIAS, Seoul, Korea. (since September 2023)

KIAS: http://www.kias.re.kr/

I'm trying to run: Geometry, Algebra and Physics (GAP) Seminar at KIAS

last updated: Jun. 11, 2024