Safeguarding and club policies
Safeguarding policy
As an LTA registered venue, Hurst Green Tennis Club is committed to prioritising the well-being of all children and adults at risk, promoting safeguarding in our club at all times, including all programmes and events we run. This Policy strives to minimise risk, deliver a positive tennis experience for everyone and respond appropriately to all safeguarding concerns/disclosures.
Read our Safeguarding Policy and Policy Statement
Reporting a concern
Anyone who is concerned about the well-being of a child/adult at risk, or has a disclosure of abuse or neglect made to them, must (unless someone is immediate danger) speak to the Welfare Officer and complete a Reporting a concern form.
If someone is in immediate danger call the police on 999.
Welfare Officer
Our Club Welfare Officer is Vanessa Peet and can be contacted at
Further contacts and guidance
NSPCC: 0808 800 5000
LTA Safe and Inclusive Tennis Team:
Other Club policies
Visit Documents for Members for access to other club policies: Equality & Diversity; Financial; Online Safety and Communication; Whistleblowing; Anti bullying; Photography & Filming; Safe recruitment