Code of conduct and etiquette

Code of Conduct

We are a friendly club, and the following is guidance to ensure all are welcome, and we create a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Further information

This code of conduct should be read together with the LTA Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Code and Hurst Green Tennis Club rules and guidelines; policies on Equality and Diversity; Anti Bullying, Safeguarding, Photography & Filming, Whistleblowing, Online Safety & Communication available via Club Documents for Members


It is expected that all members will comply with this code of conduct both whilst at the club or when representing the club at competitions or similar events.

In the unfortunate circumstances that there is a breach of the code of conduct, in the first instance please let the member know directly. If there are further breaches or you are uncomfortable challenging directly then please inform a committee member or email The committee decision on any outcome will be final and may involve expulsion from the club.

Tennis etiquette

If we all follow these points it will help to create a positive experience for all members at social tennis sessions.

Junior code of conduct